KeU. ALUMNI CLUB OF NEW JERSEY In Formation 177 Ellery Avenue Newark, New Jersey November 10, 1941 Dre FeCeAllen University of Kansas Lawrence, Kansas Dear Dre Allen: on pehalf of the KU. Alumi Club of New Jersey, we extend to you and to the K.U-. Basketball team a cordial invitation to attend a meeting of the K.U. grads of New Jersey in the event that you make a swing through this part of the East sometime this wintere The Jersey Jayhawkers are still ina formative stage of organization, but the membership is slowly but very definitley gaining in strength with mach enthusiasm and every indication of future successe Our plans call for a general dinner-meeting here in Newark sometime in these next months to be attended by as nearly all of the New Jersey grads as cen be brought together. We know that the team has often visited the East-— visits that we always enjoyed. Now we are hoping end wighing that, if you and the team come East this season, you will find it possible to so arrange your schedule that you could attend the meeting of the Jersey Jayhawkers as our guests of honore Of course we would call the meeting at such a time as will suit your schedule and will make all arrangements to meet your convenience. It is difficult to fully express how great a pleasure it would be for us all to meet you agoin and how much we would enjoy meeting the present members of the teame We hope that you will carefully consider our invitation and will plan to attend if you find it at all possiblee Very sincerely, Marie Pe Sealy,c'14 Kalman AeOravetz,c'40 Sidney Oe Sklar,c'41 Co-Chairmen