Merch 11, 1941 lite Harold Olsen Basketball Coach Ohio State University Columbus, Ohio Dear Oles | From one tried and true partner to another, I say, “You're welcome, Olee"™ Sincerely yours, Director of Phyeical Education and Recreation Varsity Basketball Coach FCAglg Zimmerman Lith Cincinnati,O. THE MODERN & LEADING HOTEL OF THE CITY 200 ROOMS WITH TOILET AND BATH GENUINE HOSPITALITY UNDER MANAGEMENT ARTHUR L.ROBERTS HOTEL SYSTEM LA FAYETTE,IND. , ¢ i VO i CiWE In bed 7 aes Dike For | THE HOME OF PURDUE UNIVERSITY, ONE OF AMERICA'S DISTINCTIVE TECHNICAL SCHOOLS Denver, Colorado. September 5, 1940 Dear. Doctor: I received your letter and want at this time to thank you very much. It helped and is helping a great deal and at the present time I'm waiting to hear from three. firms and I'm pretty sure I'm going to be able to make my choice among thses firms. I was home for four days and went to Lawrence one day just to see Mount Oread once again. I stopped in at the gym but you had gone. Here's wishing you agaim all the luck this coming basketball season. and I thank you agaim for the wonderful introduction letter. Fraternally yours, 1103 ChrreFee L Mace. Cnbo. LEA ARAM 2) LAWRENGE, KANSAS November 22, 1940 Mr. Phog Allen c/o Kansas University Lawrence, Kansas Dear Phog: I want you to know we appreciate the basketball business that you have given us. Don't want to complain, but we really would like to have you give us an opportuni- ty on most everything. If anyone else beats our price, we will not kick. This goes for your personal business as well as Bob's and Milts. Don't believe we have sold anything except a pair of shoes te Milt. With kindest regards, I am Very sincerely, ‘OBER 'S By HBO: VW Winthrop Styles $6.85 to $8.85 Colonial Grades $5 to $6 as ADVERTISED in &q uUVvtL. = Sua Dear Sir:— Thousands of style-wise men know the comfort of this famous easy-going leisure shoe. The new Klomp has a mocassin stitch that makes it a smart- - er shoe than ever before. Let us show you a pair today. It’s featured in Esquire, of course. OBER’S Lawrence, Kans. ON! NOI 39vaa ny Lsva™ A'N ‘VdOU December 5, 1940 lire Theodore 0 Kansas City Star Kansas City, Missouri Dear Teds With a deft stroke the artist with a flourish enhances the beauty or shades the ugliness This likewise is true of a conpetent a t who has ability and a sharpepointed pens , | You did a marvelous jobs Sincerely yours, Director of Physical Rdueation and Recreation Varsity Basketball coach Foaglg feeember 5, 1940 hag @ twoereol film which called "Pundanentals in Basketball", Ure Welle Maddock is the man in charges ‘They sell the two recls for $4800, tut our Extension Division and other extension divisions, like Wisconsin, rent theme ‘the fee for rental fran our Extension Division is $3.00 plus transportatione Perhmps you would rather rent the films than purchase them, but we have two sets : here and use then constantly. It is a great thing for teaching fundementalss I imagine you could use your own projector. Director of Physical Educatio and Reereation Varsity Basketball Coach PCAslg ITHACA PUBLIC SCHOOLS FRANK DAVID BOYNTON JUNIOR HIGH SCHOOL Jenuery 29, 19437 Dre John He Outland Rialto Building Kansas City, Missouri Dear Pirrs Outlands ' I% is with regret that I find thet Mrse Allen and I will be unable to attend your and urs, Outlandts party next Sundey in Kansas Citys _ We are leaving with our team early Sundey morning for Wichitas Some friends and Alumi in Wichita are giving @ banquet for the team early in the evening and they requested my presence there with the team. Also, since Wichita University beat us in football, the Alumni there are fearful that the same coup tetat will be pulled on the basketball team, so as much as _i regret being absent, I will ask that you kindly excuse us on this occasions Again thanking you, I am, Sincerely yours, Direetor of Physical Education and Recreation Varsity Basketball Coach FCAsig ‘February 3, 1942 Miss Cenewm Le Oliver Box 62 Bonner Springs, Kansas Dear Mics Olivers Pardon wy deley in answering your good letter of Jamnry 13. . ; . T will be very hapny to cooperate with vou in getting your recommendations readye iI am wondering, however, if 1% would not be better to write to the individual with whom you desire & positions I realize you do not mow who that person is now, but I will give you permission to use my nee and then I will write the letter after you haves iearned the name of the individutle I have alveys found that the "To Whom it May Conoern® letters are not as valuable as those addressed to individunlse Sincerely yours, Director of Physical Education and Recreation Varsity Basketball Coach rCAslg ea Et. 3, 17 KE Ma _ ¢ Oe. q. ? _ oS pear aoe el c G5 ein Laz fo The Se WILT tiny Crave" Ming argened A Merch 14, 1941 Mre Burt Ober Lawrence, Kansas Deer Burt: Thenk you for your good letter of the 13th instent F gongratuleting us on the success of our Kansas basketball teame We were very proud of them, end I believe they outdid themselves in gaining a tice If a field house should be builé, one accommodating no less than 10,000 people should be the minimum size. For three or four different gemes this year, we could heve sold better than 7,000 tickets to each game. Our present structure holds about 3,500, so why not build for the future. Don't you see? I will drop in and see you sometime shortlye. Sincerely yours, Director of Physical Education and Recreation Varsity Basketball Coach FCA imh LEV LUO MUU IAL oS LAWRENCE, KANSAS March 135, 1941 Dr. F, C. Allen _ University of Sansas Lawrence, Kansas Dear Dr. Allen: I certainly want to congratulate you on the success of your team and the wonderful attendance given Kansas basket- ball wherever they went. I hope some day you will have a house that will hold 5 or 6 thousand people and I believe it will be an easy matter to F131 Tks I haven't forgotten that promise of yours to give us some business, and not only yours, but the boy's too. Don't think we have sold you anything that amounts to anything for a year or more. Very sincerely, OBER!'S | By HBO: VW