Eugene Maxwell Frank, Minister THE METHODIST CHURCH OLATHE, KANSAS April 9, 1940 Dr. Forest C. Allen Kansas University ° Lawrence, Kansas Dear Dr. Allen: The program committee of the Methodist Men's Brotherhood of Olathe has asked me to contact you in regard to the possibility of securing you for a speaker at a men's meeting sometime this spring. Because of certain local commitments not all of the dates in April would be free but the committee would like to suggest one of several dates--April 22, 23, 25, 29, 50, or May @. In the event you might find it possible to come on one of these dates, the committee would plan for a supper meeting which would be community-wide in scope, and I am quite sure we could give you a fine hearing. Please advice us as to the costs involved, and we will appreciate an early reply. Sincerely all EMF: JAC