Ootober 2, 195% The till hae vistiitn dels 34059. lirse Hulteents oe ee The binding bill be neid to mee Yor your Thesis grade, I turned in a “Satisfactory”. Your other grades were es followes 200.5 Theory & Prece Athletic Training § hrs« B S00¢ Special Problems in Prysical Bde 2 " B aah, Sadar in Ryeieek aheation 2 B I qupvese either by this tine or in a few days you Monee ee she would mii St to yous 20 sees, dentine aie Suntan tethecaiitien tn came te the thesis or your graduation, or any additional informtion I = ee oor With sincere personal regards, I om aa Cordially yours, Ee Re Elbel, Associate Professor, Physical Edueatione