PUBLISHED EVERY THURSDAY THE PORTIS INDEPENDENT J.E.KISSELL, EDITOR, OWNER AND PUBLISHER PORTIS, OSBORN CoO., KANSAS © “eptember the 26th, T 9 3 9 eeve#es Dr. f. OC. Allen, Lawrence, “ansas. Dear Doctor Allen: I guess I have been a little tardy in writing you occasion- ally to set you right on the various problems of the conntry but must blame it to general busy=ness which I guess occupies the time ef everyone who tries to get along without government interfer- ence. I would like to talk war, economics and othe? stuff but can't now so will take up the object of this writinge Wonder if you are available for addresses for school gatherings on afternoons, particularly the aftérnoon of Saturday , October the I4th at the high school at Osborne, On that date we will have the first fall meeting of the Osborne County teachers and the Osbonne County School Board asso- ciation. We want a speaker for the aféernoon at perhaps two-thirty.e We d not have any hefty sum for the address but could take care of all expenses I judge. To bé frank, I imagine that $15. or $20, would be the top we could go. I thot you might happen out this way somewhere that same day or night before and maybe stop with us and be able to get away and back to Lawrence that evening. tI am President the County School Board Association and the Co. Supt. is Frank Paschal at Osborne, It would be a pretty big day and likely have luncheon at noon, We need to know soon and this should reach you Wed. as me and if you can answer at once, I will get it Thursday morn here. That will be alright. But if you wish to, call me phone collect at Portis Wed. night number SEVEN after eight o'clock and can talk it over. If you come, we will want cuts or mats and dope at once. If you can't come and can write at once, very wells otherwise phone. Very dry here and has been hot but sudden cool wave last nighh hit us unexpectedly. War is all the talk. It makes me mad, - which I guess is the thing it should not do, at least just now. Kindest regards, and hope to hear from you. Sincerely, de Be ./ Portis. By the way my son, Max, is in school here and getting along well in every way, and he is no particular slouch in any sport and par- ticularly basketball, Can't decide on where to send : him, What do you suggest among Northwestern, Leland St., Forrest Cox's mountain school and Haskell Institute? In another year, he will be leaving and I will hate to see him de go I spose. *