Portis, Kansas, October 9th, 1959, Dr, FF. C. Allen, Lawrence, Kansas, Dear Yr, Allen: I talked to the Co. Suvt., Frank Paschal, at osborne, and he said he had written you some details as to the Saturday of this week, Oct. [4th, meeting at Osborne, As to your speech: You will be addressing a group of teachers of the county--city high teachers and Superintendents, city grade teachers, country teachers and also school board mem-= bers and then some of the public at large. Think your address should be something along the inspirational line. Since your are a physical education expert, likely you can bring in quite a god deal of that or what it means to school students. Then there is always the war that might be touched on and communism is a timely topic, it seems. In view of the fact that some claim it is in our schools and maybe at KU, I guess it would nd be out of place to mention it. I think some of your game storiés would fit in well; that is some that I ahve heard you mention. I am sending this, Allen, not to dictate to you, but to sugge st what you might care to know, If Paschal suggested something, that will be okay. By the way the dinner is about noon at Osborne Hi and you can arrive there some time before noon, or as early as you wish and look up Paschal at courthouse or Supt. Brewster at the Hi, Tf will be there sometime before noon. Very truly, i J. E. Kiksell. { z oe Ee Fegan ws ™