Wilbur Hartzler, prosident of the 0. C. Te. Ae appointed Everett Yoxall, Lawrence Dillon, and Olctha Gohecen to make nominations for the various offices of the Tcachers' Association. This committee met on Scptomber 28 and submit the follow- ing to be voted upon October 14. Prosident --(Floyd Reed (Chester Sargent Vice Prosidont --(Susan Moyer (Esther Bryant Secroetary __(Bernice Noyes 5 (Gladys Woolley Treasurer -- (Frank Ae Paschal (August Zemke Red Cross Christmas Boxes -=- Please remember that your Red Cross Christmas Boxes filled with non-perishable articles must be turned into this office on or before October 14 so there will be time to ship thom overseas before Christmas. Now, also, is a good time to enroll your school in the Junior Red Crosse Dues are fifty cents for cach grade or rural school room; one dollar for each one hundred high school studentse The schools of this comty respond nobly to this worthy causce We belicve you will want your school to participate. T. Be Christmas Socal Sale -- These scals will not go out to the teachers wtil the latter part of October. Fifty per cont of the proceeds goes to the State Tubcreulosis Association. The belance remains in this county for health purposes. Last year this fund was used for purchasing first aid kits for every school room. O. C. Te. Ae -= Ducs are one dollar per teachcor. Our goal is one hundred per cent mombershipe Please pay tho sccretery on October 14 or turn your ducs into this officee The money is used for paying the expenses of the association mect- ings, county track mect, flowcrs for the sick, ctc. Ke Se Te Ae -- Mombership cards may be obtained at this officc.e It costs nothing extra and will save you a lot of time if you enroll in advanec. Tho state mect- ings are held on November Srd and 4th in the citics of Topeka, Salina, Hays, Dodge City, Wichita, and Pittsburg. School Board Ducs -- These are one dollar for onch district and may be paid through this officc at any time. County Library -- State Library Law requires that each district spend a minimun of five dollars per teacher annually for approved library books. Most rural districts are members of tho Osborne County Circulating Library and have the privilege of using the books from its large supply. You are asked to pay your librsrvy ducs as soon as possible cither by check, cash, or school warrant. We believe every teacher and board momber in the county will enjoy and should attend the first teacher and board meeting of the yoar. The O. C. T. A. can well be proud of its one hundred per cent membershipe Your cooperation is appreciated. It is our hope that we shall sco all of you at the meeting of October 14, 1939. Yours sincerely, Srouh Llchoak&, County Superintendent FAP:EM iahiteaas ish Seat tls adios lpi Le athe BAR Bilan ill ace eo a i 5 al el men wa aia 2