1623 Everett Caldwell, Idaho Rov. 15, 7949 Mr. Forrest C. Allen, Basketball Coach University of Kansas Lawrence, Kansas Dear Mr. Allen: Knowing that you are on the National Basketball committee I have taken the liberty to request any information that you can give me in regard to the status of the American Basketball Congress. I am especially interested in knowing if their elegibility rules are sanctioned by the A.A.U., if the organization is being opposed by the A.A.U., and in general what the attitude of the A.A.U. is toward the American Basketball Congress. It is my understanding that this organization has grown out.of the group known last year as the American Federation of Basketball, which held a national tourna- ment in Atlanta, Georgia; managed by J. L. Stearns. I am especially concerned in learning the facts regarding this organization as I have been given the opportunity of a place on their staff, if I accept. I do not wish to accept such an appointment if it in anyway would infringe upon the rights of the A.A.U. A prompt reply would certainly be appreciated if you could enlighten me in this matter. Thank you kindly for your trouble in giving me any information that may help. If you are unable to pass judgement on this matter would you kindly suggest from whom I might gain this information. Yours sincerely, @. Quin Glenn B. Owen H.S. Football Coach Pp. S. I have read and thoroughly Caldwell, Idaho enjoyed your book "Better Basketball."