1016 14th Street Beulder, Colorado Nevember 25, 1939 Dear Deetor. De you suppese yeu ceuld de me a favor? Ceuld you lay aside two tickets fer me fer the S.M.U. game on the 19th? If pessible on the first row-.~ I really want to see those Jayhawks in action. I like C.U. a lot better than I did at first, but it still deesn't compare with K.U. I heard the rally ever W.R.E.N. last night, and I weuld have given anything te have been there. I'm awfully tired of hearing what a wonderful pasket- ball team C.U. has. I'M enly heping K.U. gets te play then, and maybe then they won't talk so much. Geed luck during the coming season, and yeu will get plenty of support frem me in the games I see during Christmas vacation. Sincerely Fak Dover.