DR. WARREN G. BRADFORD OSTEOPATHIC PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON 783-784 REIBOLD BLDG, DAYTON. OHIO November 29, 1938 Dre Phog Allen, University of Kansas, Lawrence, Kansas. Dear Dr. Allen: Annually, the Dayton District Osteopathic Society of Physicians and Surgeons invites all the coaches and their assistants, and athletic directors from this district to one of our meetings. This meeting is one that has to do with athletic injuries, their prevention, or some phase of athletic work. _ cast year Dr. H. V. Halladay spoke at this meeting. We had over one hundred guests present. It is our desire to put on a similar meeting this year, and would like to have you as the speaker of the day. This meeting will very likely be held in February of 1939. We would like to know if you will be our speaker and what would be the approximate cost to the district. We hope you can see your way clear to be with us at this meeting. Fraternally, Warring Oo WGB/G