THE UNIVERSITY OF KANSAS SCHOOL OF EDUCATION LAWRENCE September 23, 1938 Dr. F. C. Allen Director of Physical Education University of Kansas Dear Dr. Allen: A few days ago I returned to your office the two books which you were kind enough to loan me some weeks ago. I appreciated the opportunity to examine these books and to note your treatment in the chapter by you en Higher Education in America. Actually I did not need any evidence of your genuine interest in Physical Education as contrasted with mere theory and technique in athletics. It is a source of satisfaction to me to know that the Director of Physical Education is one who has an inclusive grasp of what physical education can and should be. Cordially yours, 8 F. P. Obrien FPO:ve me - Olive Hardward Company, Leavenworth, fansase Attention: Order Departmente Dear Sirss Che Department of Physical Edueation has ordered two dozen tennis nets, 2i~thread, veterproofed tarred cord nete a Pachate Oediap Vindchiet Sig Sib inieated- tet your firm is to fill. this orders I en writing to inquire if you could supply us with twin SB Beet of 58 font Cock peofepatily 58 feat) ee eas wae on oon We shall greatly appreciate receiving these nets as soon as possible as we need them now for our courts. - Very sincerely yours, ‘Director of Physical Education, Varsity Basketball Coache - duly 28, 1958. i i Director of Physical Education, | Varsity Basketball Coache Septenber 7, 1938.» ji i a . 4 E iil heat aaa Ha ae Ad, ; ite itis mn if a i ce ian | i ul i i i iM ity bt ib il ie ‘ it i ay t | ae Wa i! i Hi ih “ i ie tae With all good wishes, I an Director of Physical Education, FCAsAH 3 Varsity Basketball Coachs - ear Wed 20 October 26, 1938. ite Leon Os Smith, Asste Supte of Schools, Omaha, Nebresktie Dear Mr, Smiths | ft em enclosing herewith a copy of my address to be given before the Nebrasim Teachers Convemtion on Friday afternoon, October 28. I trust it will reach _ you in time for any press releases you may desire to THe : i have received your kind note of October 24 advising me that you have made a reservation for me at the Hotel Fontenelle for Thursday nighte This is very kind of you, and I appreciate it. Looking forverd to greeting you on Friday, I Very sincerely yours, Mirector of Thysical Education, Varsity Basketball Coach. OMAHA PUBLIC SCHOOLS HOMER W. ANDERSON, SUPERINTENDENT OMAHA, NEBRASKA ASSISTANT SUPERINTENDENTS BELLE M. RYAN LEON O. SMITH October 24, 1938 Dr. Forrest C. Allen, Director Physical Education University of Kansas Lawrence, Kansas Dear Dr. Allen: A reservation hes been made for a room and bath for you at the Hotel Fontenelle, for Thursday night, October 27th. I trust that you will be well taken care of. If there is anything that we can do for you when you arrive in town, please let us know. Sin ely yours Pe Soak, Leon 0. Smith LOS:CP Assistant Superintendent 6-38-15M Oetober 24, 1938. < 1385 3° g3 | ul ET se iat a i aif lint fi] October 21, 1938. Assistant es sos Chins 3 | Sy te ay 2 to Omaha on ted thd of he . tad 1 Saas 14 difficult to secure a roan at that time. I wonder if eS me at the Fontanelle, or some other hotel. I will appreciate it if ee ee ee @ . E Very aoegeety yours, ee Director of Physical aiuoeti any OMAHA PUBLIC SCHOOLS HOMER W. ANDERSON, SUPERINTENDENT OMAHA, NEBRASKA ASSISTANT SUPERINTENDENTS S-9 §-38-15M BELLE M. RYAN LEON QO. SMITH October 17, 1938 Dr. F. C. Allen University of Kansas Lawrence, Kansas My dear Dr. Allen: The Executive Committee of District #2 of the Nebraska State Teachers Association has appointed me Chair- man of the Committee on Publicity for the coming Convention in Omaha on October 27th and 28th. I have learned from past experience that we zZet more and better publicity in the local newspapers if I have an abstract of the various addresses to release to the press at the proper time. I wish you would send me an abstract of & page or so of your address "What Constitutes An Adequate | Physical Education Program for Public Schools" emphasizing the most important points of the address, which you are scheduled to deliver on the afternoon of October 28th. I assure you that this material will not be released until the proper time during the Convention. Sin ly yours © both Leon 0. Smith, Chairman Committee on Publicity, LOS:CP N. S. T. A. District #2 October 1, 1958. tre Prk Bs 1alens, ue Dear Mrs Mieleng: Thank you for your letter of Septexber 26 in regard to the program of your state conventions the arrangeaents you have mide are quite satice fur aelehun on. tac asec 2 eek 20 physical ; end to the educa- tion teachers in the afternoons I shall probably write later as to time of arrivele ve " ie Ween, Aides te tin on October 28, end with ell good wishes, I em shes: é Very sincerely yours, Irestor of en Rdueation, ~ Varsity Basketball Coache BENSON HIGH SCHOOL Omaha, Nebraska September 26, 1938 Dr. Forrest C. Allen Director of Physical Education University of Kansas Lawrence, Kansas pear Dr. Allen; I have delayed writing to you in order to organize a pro- gram for you. Our state convention is divided into districts. The dis- trict one convention, held in Omaha, is composed of the Omaha teachers and teachers from nearby towns. The physical educa- tion group will consist of grade teachers and high school teachers of physical education as well as athletic coaches. we would like to have you hold a basketball clinic from to 12 o'clock on the morning of October 28, This clinic would be open « You may conduct this clinic the way you think is best. It would be held in the Central High School - Gymnasium so that you would have a place for demonstration if you so desired. Then we'd like to have yo k sical cation teachers from 1:15 to 2:15 p.m. that same day. I have “listed this talk in the program as, "What Constitutes an Ade- quate Physical fducation Program for Public Schools?" [I'm sure you could give us some valuable information on what we should have in our public school physical education program. I have tried to make your topics elastic enough so that) you could talk on phases you think most important. If you will let me know when you expect to arrive and how you are coming, I'll make arrangements to meet you. I'm glad that you are going to be with us and I'm looking forward to meeting you. very sincerely yours, Frank BE. Mielenz FEM:DEM 21, 1938. pa 88g ye Ay 48 i ¥ g a te ly ney ff iff He te 2 ie oe (3 Hi iy vu ; i meg BSHS B December 14, 1938. ie Ralph T. O'Neil, S15 Woodlawn, Topelm, Kansase ; 3 a a5 ii + ane gigity yi rf aie ane li f Ht i Ha i i | We Hi ARETE s4 be if i 8 43; Hi 7 8 fs gaa88 4 fF Hig a a at i A g B32 gE 3 HT .; g iy! Se. 3 i Hes a ai, teskge 28 eat ag your family for a very wishes a happy oa > ba 5 4 : Very eiunewely yours, of Physical Eduoation, Varsity Basketball Coache Novenber 9, 1938. defensive and offensive tactics, training, practice and rulese I believe you would find the answers to your ' questions in this one volume. ae sich Pe ynrhiercongy kom ey eu ix. oberg ag eo eee I shall be glad to hear fron again if be of eny further service to yous a = Very sincerely yours, iirector of Physical Education, FPCAsAH Varsity Basketball Coaches October 15, 1938. Icind + built willing head cone | : be : Any information you can send us will be very ly, Ha i a al ih Thanking you, aud with ell good wishes, I am Very sincerely yours, Director of Physical Education, Varsity Basketball Coache wr. Frank BE, Mielens, I want you to know how pleasantly I was received and how very much I enjoyed my stay with you and your Nebrasia. teachers end cosachese — I trust that I will have an oppartuiity to see you nore often end that wo my get even better acquainted than heretoforse Thank you four your mny courtesies. With all good wishes, I am Very cordially yours, ‘Birector of Physical Education, FOAsAH ‘Varsity Basketball Conchs Benson High School MARY MCNAMARA, PRINCIPAL Omaha, Nebraska October 24, I[958. Dr. Forrest C. Allen Director of Physical Education University of Kansas - Lawrence, Kansas. Dear Dr. Allen: Superintendent Leon Smith has made reser- vations for your room at the Fontenelle Hotel. The room will be available for you at any me you arrive. I shall have at least ten boys dressed for isketball work ready for you at the Central gh School gym Friday morning at nine-thirty. The afternoon program will be held at the Josélyn Memorial Auditorium which is located yust across the street from the Central ~chool. “IT shall plan on meeting ‘you at the Central High School gympesium at nine-thirty Friday. morning October twenty-eighth. Cordially yours, Biante Director ‘of Phys. Benson "igh School Omaha,Nebraske. BH9-8-38-5M CLASS OF SERVICE 1201 SYMBOLS me is a oo : : DL=Day Letter elegram «or Cable- a a, unis its de- NL=Night Letter erred character is in- Loebekcicul dicated by a suitable ssa . symbol above or pre- - | NLT=Cable Night Letter ceding the address. : : NEWCOMB CARLTON J. CC. WILLEVER > Ship Radiogram CHAIRMAN OF THE BOARD FIRST VICE-PRESIDENT : The filing time shown in the date line on telegrams and day letters is STANDARD TIME at point of origin. Time of receipt is STANDARD TIME at point of destination Received at 646 Massachusetts St., Lawrence, Kansas. Phone 2764 rc KS29 41 NL. 3 EXTRA=OMAHA NEBR 17 3 eS SEP 18 AM § 40 FORREST ALLEN= ‘DLR RESIDENCE UNIVERSITY OF KANSAS WE SHOULD LIKE TO HAVE YOU GIVE A TALK ON BASKETBALL AT TEACHERS CONVENTION IN OMAHA OCTOBER 28TH PHYSICAL EDUCATION SECTION 1S ALLOWED FIFTY DOLLARS FOR SPEAKER SO, THAT 1S ALL WE COULD GIVE YOU PLEASE REPLY IMMEDIATELY= -FRANK E MIELENZ 3302 BURT ST. | , ny 28. 33502% THE COMPANY WILL APPRECIATE SUGGESTIONS FROM ITS PATRONS CONCERNING ITS SERVICE December 17, 1988. lite George Ce Oldham, 1067 15th Avenue, S. He, Minneapolis, Minne Dear Mr» Oldham: I greatly enjoyed the picture of your femily ~ it certainly looks like you are a happy family. The way the weather is now it certainly reminds ee eee differently now, I°ll bete I wis in Mimeapolis at the sectional meeting of the Physical Education Associdtion last spring, Merch 50, 31, April 1 and 2. Again thenking you for your friendly greeting, ee ee ee I am | : : lirector of Physical Education, . FOAAH Varsity Basketball Coache She daa a in UNITED ee AS Ti ni Luv eés ty i nanan "Er ee, ATHLETIC ASSOCIATION (INCORPORATED) Oklahoma Agricultural and Mechanical College STILLWATER, OKLAHOMA December 135, 1938 Dr. F. G. Allen z Varsity Basketball Yoach University of Kansas Lawrence, Kan, Dear Doctor Alle@: Hinelosed are exact copies of the box scores from our official book for the two-game series between the University of Kansas and Oklahoma A, & M. college here last Friday and Saturday nights, as per your request of December 12, Newspaper box scores of both games, participation time for Kansas players in the second game only, as well as other information was mailed Mr. W, A, Dill from my office Monday. I apologized to Mr. Dill for being so ext&ted at the opening of the fieldhouse that I neglected to provide for keeping player par- ticipation times in the first game, I want to say that it was certainly a pleasure to have the opportunity to meet you while you were in Stillwater, and I hope to be able to attend the return game at Lawrence on February 8, Wishing you the heartiest success in your coming Big Six conference campaign, I remain Youys sincerely, aud ee. Welden Barnes Sports Fublieity Director oo ae ip tape k= i CH C 7 Khe 2c pos