Benson High School MARY MCNAMARA, PRINCIPAL Omaha, Nebraska October 24, I[958. Dr. Forrest C. Allen Director of Physical Education University of Kansas - Lawrence, Kansas. Dear Dr. Allen: Superintendent Leon Smith has made reser- vations for your room at the Fontenelle Hotel. The room will be available for you at any me you arrive. I shall have at least ten boys dressed for isketball work ready for you at the Central gh School gym Friday morning at nine-thirty. The afternoon program will be held at the Josélyn Memorial Auditorium which is located yust across the street from the Central ~chool. “IT shall plan on meeting ‘you at the Central High School gympesium at nine-thirty Friday. morning October twenty-eighth. Cordially yours, Biante Director ‘of Phys. Benson "igh School Omaha,Nebraske. BH9-8-38-5M