"Er ee, ATHLETIC ASSOCIATION (INCORPORATED) Oklahoma Agricultural and Mechanical College STILLWATER, OKLAHOMA December 135, 1938 Dr. F. G. Allen z Varsity Basketball Yoach University of Kansas Lawrence, Kan, Dear Doctor Alle@: Hinelosed are exact copies of the box scores from our official book for the two-game series between the University of Kansas and Oklahoma A, & M. college here last Friday and Saturday nights, as per your request of December 12, Newspaper box scores of both games, participation time for Kansas players in the second game only, as well as other information was mailed Mr. W, A, Dill from my office Monday. I apologized to Mr. Dill for being so ext&ted at the opening of the fieldhouse that I neglected to provide for keeping player par- ticipation times in the first game, I want to say that it was certainly a pleasure to have the opportunity to meet you while you were in Stillwater, and I hope to be able to attend the return game at Lawrence on February 8, Wishing you the heartiest success in your coming Big Six conference campaign, I remain Youys sincerely, aud ee. Welden Barnes Sports Fublieity Director