a Our parents were children of pioneers. They had been taught that any sort of recreation in the form of play was wrong. They were so busy hewing homes out of the wilderness of the frontier that there was no time for play. And any boy who did play was not to be considered as an energetic and purposeful young man. But today "The stone that the builders rejected, the same has become the head of the corner." We find splendid competitive teams emong our boys of high school and college rank. Today the heart of America is clean athletically speaking because that clean heart resides in the breast of the 12 year old American boy. He is a fighter ees a Ne ~~ and a hero worshiper. His heroes are legion. They reside on the college campuses, the football and baseball fields, the track and the basketball courts. Every great high school and college athletic star has hundreds of worshipers in the forms of little 6 year old American boys. if these athletic heroes train, they set a splendid example to this oncoming generation. - This young athlete is a selfish creature. The boy is naturally selfish. He always wants the biggest piece of pie. Through