Private John W. Ballard, Jr., Troop G, @nd Squadron, Srd Training Regiment, CoR.T.Caoy Barracks 2524, Fort Riley, Kansas. ‘Dear Jack: I was delighted to get your fine letter. It is very in- formative and indeed interesting. Congratulations on your Easter Sunday fortunate break when you were one of the honor- | ary guards for President Roosevelt. All of these achievements . will pay you big dividends after the war is over. You certainly have the right philosophy of life and I commend you upon that fine attitude. You will get somewhere, | Jack. And another congratulation on your fine sharpshooting achievements! As you know, the Athletic Office has been closed and Earl has moved over to Karl Klooz's office, but i will contact him at ones eagending your desire. You will hear from me shortly. Yes, of course Mrs. Allen will know of your good wishes. Here’s wishing you lots of success, old fellow. | Director of Physical Bducation, Varsity Basketball Coach.