Che University of Oklahoma orman, Okla “— 31, 1938 _— INTERCOLLEGIATE ATHLETICS Dr. Forrest C. Allen Basketball Coach University of Kansas Lewrence, Kansas Dear Dr.:t= Mr. Harold Keith will furnish you with the information you asked for regarding the Basket- ball picture, record etc. You will no doubt receive it in the next couple of days. I enjoyed the meeting at Lincoln and think that the set-up you read concerning a National Championship each year is a splendid idea. This would as you say "cheapen" the possibilities of the promoters to cash in on college basketball by stageing a so-called national champ similar to the Garden games last year. The sooner we can shake loose of the doings of the A. A. U. and place the cash where it belongs the more independant cobleges can play. I only hope that we can realize this hope the coming year and see no reason why it can’t be workediout this year. Would appreciate any development on the subject that you see fit to send at this time. Hoping you have a pleasant summer, I am Sincerely, Stn took Varsity Basketball Coach