Fees will be charged in the following way: The usual attendance in the nursery schools of anything up to 14 hours, thet is to say, & stay which ineludes supper, the night, and breakfast or © stay which troludes the day end luneh, will be charged for at the rate of BO¢ rer day. If a ehild who hes been in the | nursery school over night, eaten supper and breekfest, is left at the nursery school through the neon meel, he will be sharged 26¢ in addition | to the 50g feo. Ife onild. has breakfast or supper beyond his daytive stay he will be charged oxtre fees in the anctat of 18¢ for supper or 18¢ fer breakfast. | In the ‘BBR way eit dren in the extended oy gare unit will be charged extra fees (264 for uineh, 16¢ for breakfast, or 15¢ for supper) “fn addition to the regular fee of 40¢ per day, should they honinte at the child cere center excessive hours. . In ‘the intent unit, the fee will be $1.00, Fees for stays of more than 14 hours during the aight or more than 10 hours during the day will be computed — on the same able as! | im the other units (25¢ for lunch, 15¢ for breskfast, and 15¢ for eupper). j - fi » aes mies,