ly Venere IG ape EATER ry F : Bes D airman: RA Le HWEGLER, Education ~ i rth of Ka Address: “Physical E n in the Public School,” Dr C. H. Mc- Croy, President America Physical Equgation 7Association, and Professor of Physic sity of ‘Lowa. | “Judging Efficiency i . V. 'W. Lapp, Physical Educati "\GENER a ae : Address: CONFERE . How Successful is Senior Hi FLIN, Supervisor of Physical Education, eyville. Education at the Elementary School aser. . T. Truster, State Teachers College, Em-_ poria, Kansas." f . J. Wutrson, Principal Sumner Elementary School, Topeka, Kansas. Rosert F, Campsett, Elementary School Princi- cipal, Herington, Kansas: E of Kansas. ress: : “What Are the Fruits of ur Physical Education Progtam?”’ | - R. E. Kanexy LZ School East, ti) Pee ee | bape haf ee MEETING, FRASER THEATER, 2:00 P.M. . Chairman: Dr. V. W. Lapp, Ass’t Prof. of Physical Educa- tion, University of Kansas. , “Public School Facilities and a Community Progtam,” Di RECTOR ALFRED O. ANDERSON, _ Physical Education and Re- creation, St. Louis, Mo. Address: Address: “What the School Administrator Expects of Physical Educ- cation,” Dr. W. E. SHEFFER, Sup’t. of Schools, Manhattan, Kansas. CONFERENCE MEETINGS, 3:20 P.M. I. Overcoming Handicaps in Facilities for Physical Education. Room 205 Fraser. Chairman: Joun J. Butier, Larned. Leaders: L. E. DirrEmore, Supervisor of Physical Educa- tion, Topeka. A. D. Smiru, Physical Education, Emporia. II. The Value of Demonstrations and Special Programs, Room 206 F. Chairman: ExizasetaH Dunxet, Ass’t. Prof. of Physical Education, » University of Kansas. hs EADERS: Doris PETERSON, Physical Education, Winfield. Merrie Henre, Supervisor Physical Education, Kansas City, Kansas. Picture SHOw, FRASER THEATER, 4:45 P.M. INNER MeEEtINGc, MEMortAL UNION BuILpING, 6:00 P.M. Chairman: Sup’r. W. L. Ramso, City Schools, Paola. Group Singing: Led by Pror. Orro Mirssner, Public School Music, University of Kansas. Address: “The Aims of Physical Education,” Dran R. A. ScHWEGLER, School of Education, University of Kansas. GenerAL MEETING, FRASER THEATER, 7:45 P.M. Presiding: L. W. Brooks, Principal High School East, Wichita. Address: “As the Educator Looks at Physical Education,” Dr. C. H. McChoy, University of Iowa. Address: “Relation of Recreation to Physical Education,” ALFRED O. AnveErSON, Director of Physical Education and Recreation, St. Louis, Mo. w Conference Committee: iF. OBrien B. A. Nasu J]. W. TWENTE