DIRECTORS CHAS. MARBLE, Jr. Pe maa TROY HIGH SCHOOL anaes C. CULP. Jn@ ©. E. Doucury Glass A Kansas High Srhool—Wember North Central Association of Golleges and ers Srirools TROY, KANSAS Apbil 1, 1938. Dr. Forrest C. Allen, Kansas University, Lawrence, Kansas. Dear Mr. Allen: Our Loard of Education has approved you for our Commencement speaker and we wish you to arrive in Troy at least twenty minutes of eight oclock on Monday night May 23d. If you are vresent at this hour you will be able to get acquainted with our Board and faculty. Our people wish to see the man that has won seven champvionshivs in basket bakl in ten years. Please confirm this ngs as cg bi Ly Food of arrival. athe, Soph