RILEY BURCHAM, Executive Vice PRES. 1. J.MEADE, Vice PRES. GEO. D.WALTER, Vice PRES. J.D.BOWERSOCK, Vice PRES. ae ee CASHIER F.W.HOSFORD, Trust OFFICER W.A.SCHAAL, Asst. CasHieR Asst. TRUST OFFICER W.E. DECKER, Asst. CasHierR A.D.KOLTERMAN, Asst. CASHIER IRVING.HILL, PRESIDENT CAPITAL, SURPLUS & UNDIVIDED PROFITS OVER THREE HUNDRED THOUSAND LAWRENCE, KANSAS June 2nd, 1945 Dr. Forrest CG, Allen Department of Physical Education Kansas University Lawrence, Kansas Dear "Phog"; On behalf of the Scouts of Douglas County, I want to thank your department and you for making available to the boys, the Swimming Pool out at the gymnasium, A great many boys learned to swim better, and had many pleasant evenings out there the past several months, You can feel assured that all of those boys and the fellows working with them appreciate your thoughtfulness and generosity in arranging for them to use the Pool, MayI also add my personal thanks and appreciation, because I always get a kick out of seeing the boys having a good time in some worth-while sport, Yours very sincerely, a Chairmgn, Douglas County District Boy S@outs of America RB/ba