The ROOF GARDEN atop the penthouse bungalow provides a superb panoramic view of all Chicago. The BUNGALOW The penthouse bungalow is a luxuriously furnished seven room home atop the Mor- rison roof (one tenth of a mile above the street). It is the favorite home of visiting celebrities. It consists of a living room, | 3 double bed rooms, each with bath, din- ing room and kitchen. Especially suited for private dinners, banquets, parties, wed- dings and de luxe affairs generally. Avail- able at surprisingly moderate rentals. BUNGALOW BED ROOM Offering the utmost in comfort. And above all—quiet, because high above the noise of the street. a BUNGALOW LIVING ROOM Famous decorators and artists designed the furnishings which were specially made for this suite. Dignity and luxury is in every detail. fas BUNGALOW DINING ROOM Elegance without ostentation, reflected in the smart appointments and intimate surroundings. The rug was specially designed and loomed.