at finding a pitcher who can | hit—Acme Photo. Will This Stop You Golf ers? er : Still, ‘the Doc Sa ys _ It’s Worthwhile |. Montreal, March 29 (UP)—Dr. _A. S. Lamb, McGill university ,|. physical education director, told the City Improvement league Wednesday golf is good for pub- lic health because it keeps doc- tors outdoors and gives sick peo- -ple a chance to. get well. “Public health is better be- cause of golf, not because golf itself is healthful,” he said. “Golf increases ‘the blood pres- sure, ruins the disposition, spoils the digestion, induces neurashte- . nia, hurts the eyes, callouses the hands, ties kinks in the nervous system, debauches the morals, drives men to drugs, drink and homicide, breaks up the family, turns the ductless glands into in- . ternal warts. ..- “It also corrodes the pneu- -mogastric ~nerve, breaks the ‘sedges: off the-vertebrae, inducts spinal meningitis and progres- sive mendacity, starts angina | pectoris, but it keeps the doctors out in the open air and gives the people in the hospitals and - Sickrooms a chance to get well.” Sonnenberg Hurt