Concerning Coach George Keogan's, of Notre Dame, criticism of Coach Forrest C,. Allen s proposal to raise the basket to a height of 12 ft. and concerning Coach Keogan's criticism of the ten second rule that was put into effect two years ago, Director Allen had the following to say: "The game of basket ball today is splendid as it is." "There is nothing wrong with it.” "However there is nothing sacred about the rules.” "Is it not thinkable that an improvement can be made upon anything" Coach George Keogan is running true to form as a perennial objector on basket ball rules. Coach Keogan attended the basket ball coaches meeting at Chicago two years ago where the ten second rule was recommended by the coaches body to the rules meeting and Keogan was one of the 160 university coaches who voted unanimously for the cha nge. I fear when Keogan flays the eenter line across the court rule, he ean count his supporters on the digit of his hand. This rule has revivified the indoor sport and made basket ball play more popular than it ever has been before. : In commenting on the suggestions Coach Allen made, he said, "I do not ask that these changes be made this year. I am just offer- ing suggestions for trial and research investigation for the future. However, I do believe that some of these changes will be incorporated in the National Rules in the course of the next three years, Some of them urdoubtedly will bear investigation and trial." Commenting on the 12 ft. basket rule, Coach Allen said, "The height of the basket was placed at 10 ft, by Dr. James Naismith, the in- ventor of the game, because the running track in the gymnasium at Springfield, Mass. College was just that height.” He further stated, "I have asked President Roy Mundorff at of Georgia Tech- at Atlanta, where the coaches meeting is to be held, to install two 12 ft. baskets for a trial game during the coaches meeting. I am sure the coaches will be surprised how very much the congestion under the basket will be cleared up by raising the height of the baskets two additional feet," Four teams of national reputation have been invited to Atlanta to demonstrate before the coaches assembled the style of each particu- lar section. The University of Pittsburgh, University of Kentucky, University of Kansas and Illinois Wesleyan were invited as the | four representative teams, The University of Kansas found it im- possible to attend, because first - the Big Six rules forbid it, and second - the boys would miss too much time away from school after their strenuous basket ball season,