-ll a- the future of these contests. Gambling syndicates now flourish in all of the principal cities where bet quotations are posted each week on any or all of the major college and university teams, of the United States. This practice applies to both football and basket ball scores. Horse racing, the sport of kings, formerly occupied the gambling spotlight. The gamblers have now swung to amateur games for their mecca of gain and indications are that the ponies will be in the "Also ran" class and college and high school games will be "tops" with the gambling fraternity. The Pacific Coast has been most afflicted with the gambling malady upon college games. The scandal presipivetes by the gamblers last winter at Minneapolis, Minnesota over the State High School basket ball tournament showed there was possible tampering with amateur per- formers by gambling racketeers. School authorities should view with alarm this encroachment upon virgin soil by these despoilers of the game. Where great throngs gather excitement is on the upwing and a reckless abandon séems to dominate us. Mob psychology is a weird and interesting thing. In the years to come that period of athletic con- struction which followed closely upon the end of the World War will be known as the Stadium Age. Most all of the large colleges and universi-