oe Gee aa aM APR Skt aes REN 9) Me 1 ORT LOR sages aay TE PR ARC I ere tee Bee Shean POR DE aoe oN res ence es Se me %, ees SEADOO Ber nye to Ei eae ae ile corporation membership. By the very nature ef the Big Six Rules this: body must be faculty controlled, hence the faculty »embers are appointed | by the Presttent, Chaneeller Lindley. Thus we hae « faculty controlled Athletic Assectation @ith the student body and the elumi having re- presentation. ae tuch fon 18 now poked at the definition of the word amateur. Soree , ene has stated that the difference between a professional ani en ema- tour is thet the amateur will not accept checks, (Othere spesk of the Cash and Cerry Pigekin Athlete, while others think of the four letterman in college as one who has four large eap- ital letters across his varsity sweater, © A S& He i am definitely in favor of junking the absolete and unverkeble definitions of amateurism as a test of eligibility for athletic com- petition in colleges and universities, emi of substituting e standard of scholastic attainment that sctually moves the player toward gre- @uations 3 | I wovld suggest further thet intercollegiate competition in the na jor universities be confined to two yesrs-the lest of une four years . following the date of the athlete's netriculation.s Under this plan en athlete must have « tro~year residence status before conpetition.s Aleo the athlete's corpetition must cease four veers after the date of hia metrieulation. This move would improve scholarship ant would prace | tieally eliminate preselyting end “athletic tramping." 7 Yor #11 cf the emeller colleges, the ones now permitting « thletie : competition for the entire four yoers, I wuld recom~end the present major college freshmen-rule. Further, I am proposing to the American Assoc lation of Colleges and Universities thet they enect a national Athletie no-transfer rule whereby when e student, regardless of his previous athletic participa. tion, trensfere from one college te enother, his possible athletic 5 aT aint See ae de et * acopeice un hertt : vane oes EH at * ahd) Weak eae eee eee c cae “Sa