small opportunity for proselyting ond omell tomptation for a rich — Gluanus to subsidice a player beceuse of his football ability alone, due to the fact that there would be two years interim before the boy — could play on the team end then fer only one or two youre at most. ‘Further, if this alumnus did want te subsidize this athelitieally ine clined bey under this plan it would become an academic subsidization rather then an othletie subsidisation because ths student actually would be meking real pregress toward graduation. 7 | : If we put eligibility up to the feculty we will be getting fit representatives of their university, and such athletes would enjoy the greater thrills when they have won their letter. Put it up te the scadenieton to ingist that the athletes have the same scholastic attainment ae the non-ethletes, Under cur present Big 31x Conference rules an athlete may continue his athletic eligible lity so long as he makes a passing grede (grade "D") in et least twenty-seven hours for the two preceding semesters, yet If he is ever to receive e degree, he must make « "(" overage. Under our present scheme added difficulties are heaped on the athlete who must work his way, by limiting his college hours carried in any one senester to twelve. Therefore, he wey get hie twenty-seven hours only by attending summer echeol or by taking «4 correspondence eourse during the summer even | though be hae passed the full 100% in hie allowed yesor's study. Reeognition of this unequal burden bas been seted upen by the Col- lege of Liberal Arts at this University, where regulations have been adopted for students participating in extra-currieuler eetivities other than ethletios. To be eligible for such activities the student -ust be meking « "C" average in st least twelve hours the preceding semesters. Under this proposal I would recosmemi fer consideration to the University Fresidents that an othlete be required to pass at least ten hours per semester with a "C" average for four consecutive semesters