oo atone Naeem te, ii i And when successive losses accumulate then the emotional frenzy of the disappointed athletic booster demands a change in coaching per- sonnel. Five years is considered a long term contract in football or basketball coaching. But five years is a short while in a life-time of coaching. The mortality table shows that three years of coaching is the average tenure of a coach before changing positions. The subsidizing of college athletes works against the security of a coaches longer tenure. ‘Mew York University authorities resolution Students offered three policies: 1. The abolishment of football as an inter- collegiate sport (detriment of the school) 2. The arranging of a schedule to fit the ability of the players (University authori- ties admitted impossibility) 3. Open subsidization (only alternative) Chicago University students desired to adopt the Chicago Bears as their team and to make arrangements to be admitted to home games on an athletic activity fee basis. eg I a aU ais ak is al ca ea aa aa Li Nit vols ian ON Pee ee se seer GOA BARRENS nce git ty “Ne ea ONE eae eae PQs rece e ig : 2 <3 § & 3 ty