rH ST tT. Ty , ; 1a ‘ ae ! 4 Jewish boy living in a small town had graduated from prey toa with the highest honors. His father naturally was cate ork thrilled over this, and said to the boy, "My son, as a reward for your wonderful record I am going to let you pick any college in the country. You can attend any college that you desire." : The boy asked for a few days any which to think the matter over. About a week later the boy met with his father and op "Well, fad, I have picked the college that I want to go - Ze "Fine", said the father, “I don't care anything about the expenses. I have but one son and he has made ne, hepey, and I want to make him happy. What college have you chosen?" "Dad", said the boy, "I have decided to go to Notre Dame." The father looked at him in amazement. “Notre Dame!", he said, with disappointment showing upon his face. "Notre Dame!", he exclaimed. "Why, Sam, with all these wonderful colleges throughout the country -- Cornell, Yale, Harvard, kenses-Univer- sity, Princeton, Northwestern, - why did you have to pick a Catholic school? What will our neighbors think? What will Se the Rabbi say?" The boy answered stubbornly, “You told me that I could pick any school that I wanted. It's Notre Dame that I Abesre ébate all shire,” Reluctantly the father kept his bargain, and sent him to Notre Dame. But he cautioned him not to forget the teachings of his own people. Six months later at the approach of the Holy Jewish Holidays, Yom Kippur, which is the holiest holiday in the Jewish religion, the father sent a wire to his son at Notre Dame as follows: 4. "My dear son, do not forget Yom Kippur starts tomorrow." He received an : wire as follows: "I am glad Yom Kippur starts tomorrow. Put ten dollars on his nose. I will say three Hail Mary's and hope to hell he comes in first." The athlete who was failing in his studies was met in the corridor by the professor of History. The professor was a great basketball fan and was quite anxious to have the boy pass his examinations, so he said to the boy, "I wish you would do something about your studies. Why don't you sit down and work on your History?" The boy in a very gruff voice answered, "Gee, I ain't got no time for nuttin but me English." it 3048 Office - Pious « Pasihein 2209 OSTEOPATHIC PHYSICIAN AND SUKGEON 2 © 6 = We Weet oe + lt le B OC Boa ILS , ction: TEanitiiia. 5048 Gfice - Yhones - Residence 8332 OSTEOPATHIC PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON e DR. GUSSC.SALLEY . BO Boz d26, Mankaleir, cnviitite " ‘ pnb POT EEL Itt ee nssa rethstieten NEO ) C { : ' “ty te, Ah ROP Nr " “ee \ . ms, A | " “hn, " : “aoe q : ; A ‘ Ni . { het ) is 7 ' ) sad i ada , j N ! ; ‘ | mk ~~ , oe o Ul od , . , U 4 & P “ See F 2 ae SSILEIBLY BLWOF I Glee NS - GNV NOILYOnag Woe Hs CL MONe ATE Puli a ; a5 SVSNVY 4O ALISYAAINN _ Baker University Commencement Tomorrow. The Baker University Consmencement will take place Monday morning at © o'clock. You will be interested to know that the Minister of this Church ir ceive an honorary degree of Doctor of Divinity conférred by Baker Univer: year. Will the members of the Forum Class please take notice: Forum Class of the Methodist Church, Lawrence, Kansas. Please accept my thanks and deep gratitude for the lovely remembrance in memorial to Wayne. I appreciate-it more than I can say and was deeply - coming from his loved class. , May God bless and keep you. I loving memory, Mrs. H. U. Curfman. EHLECTRICAL SERVICE SQUIRE ELECTRIC COMPANY | oe ee econ rok nonents ee seeene Re A a es aS ee eet Seen eee Are een) ans Sk oi ee i MINA TIANG AND POWER 401 WYANDOTTE STREET * ee, oy cr. Mow Vane Aa S aan mp oip tit oN e heap Wiens “FP axcwtis oe 4 carl das Nera: = ee a Sh Oh * ar ee 2 ini siSlepapcORg obe tia tik Gee es be wee ce SLeeTUR pO come a cnsinianabeonnenataned tatraieniiesinticle i AS TO GAMENESS. It isn't the flame and the rush and the dash, It isn't the charge and the sweep — the erash, It isn't the sudden oust teas) thrill of the heart that's ablaze with victorious will; But itts just coming on---coming on---«-coming on, In the. faces wP-32% helt wiew the isst hope seems gone; Still pilictns and plodding---whatever the load, Coming on---coming on---to the end of the roade There's only one reason for games strewn about, Not winning or losing but playing them outs; Not merely to pick up the cheers that are due, or when others break though; Still plugging and pitiding end groping away, Through fogs and through shadows that hold one at bay, Well knowing how little it matters if one Keeps pounding along £&kix to the end of the rune Grant land Riceée Regardless of score and the break of the game, fhe Raw lesh of fate and the echo of —) THE KANSAS CITY STAR. DAILY SUNDAY WEEKLY COMBINED CIRCULATION CIRCULATION CIRCULATION 4+#65,000 } MORNING AND EVENING 300,000 PAID-IN-ADVANCE 300,000 a... ae See SUBSCRIBERS ; PERSONALITY RATING Physical coordination: agility, smoothness of action (awkward, clumsy; poorly coordinated; satisfactory; well coordinated; superior athletic type) Physical stamina: endurance, strength, staying power (weak; below standard; satisfactory; strong; unusual staying power) Bearing and appearance: carriage, smartness, neatness, poise (sloppy, poor carriage; unimpressive; average; good appearance; out~ standing carriage and appearance) : Industry and application: thoroughness, perseverance (lazy; indifferent; prepares his work; interested; zealous) . Initiative: creative, takes responsibility, goes beyond assignments (unenterprising; makes false starts; average; takes on additional tasks; plans and carries through) Integrity: honesty, and reliability (untrustworthy; well intentioned but weak; usually dependable; trustworthy in difficult situations; completely trustworthy) Cooperation: teamwork, spirit of service, interest in others (uncooperative and anti-social; self-centered, cooperates unwillingly; generally cooperative and social; considerate, cooperates willingly; superior teamworker, public spirited) Personal,magnetism: ability to get along with others, to influence others in definite lines of action (a nonentity; sometimes antagonizes; gets along with others; makes his influence felt; an inspiring leader) | Emotional stability, self-control (emotionally unstable; shows his feelings too readily; usually. controlldd; good emotional balance; controlled even under extreme stress ) Common sense and judgment: ability to think practically, to adjust to new situations (does not grasp situations; poor judge of situations; sees the problem; good grasp of situations; shows unusual insight) "If by gaining knowledge we destroy our health, we lebor for a thing that will be useless in our hands. “He that sinks his vessel by overloading it though it be with gold and silver and precious stones, will give its owner but an ill account of his voyage." cece = er - eg Opportunity MASTER of human destinies am I. Fame, love, and fortune on my footsteps wait, Cities and fields I walk; I penetrate Deserts and seas remote, and, passing by Hovel, and mart, and palace, soon or late I knock unbidden, once at every gate! if sleeping, wake--if feasting, rise before I turn away. It is the hour of fate, And they who follow me reach every state Mortals desire, and conquer every foe Save death; but those who doubt or hesitate, Condemned to failure, penury and woe, Seek me in vain and uselessly implore-- 1 answer not, and I return no more. John James Ingalls 1833--1900 Opportunity WASTER of human destinies am I. Fame, love, and fortune on my footsteps wait, Cities and fields I walk; I penetrate Deserts and seas remote, and, passing by Hovel, and mart, and palace, soon or late I knock unbidden, once at every gete! If sleeping, wake--if feasting, rise before 1 turn away. It is the hour of fate, And they who follow me reach every state Mortals desire,- and conquer every foe save death; but those who doubt or hesitate, Condemned to failure, penury and Woe, seek me in vain and uselessly implore-- I answer not, and I return no more. - John James Ingalls 18383--1900 9 0) Se. \ : ~ ~ Physical Fitness in a Democracy A Nation that lacketh vision perisheth! Someone has also said, "God makes us wise to know, how strong the stalk must grow, that rears so fair a flower". While civilization, it seems, is moving steadily downward on the broad way of physical and moral self- destruction, this is the exact time, it seems to me, to lauch a physical fitness campaign, to raise the physical powers of our nation, tenfold. Physical powers which are chielfly muscular strength and endurance are the ultimate means of producing, transporting and distributing food, preparing shelter and manufacturing clothing. Learning, depends on physical, at least quite as much as on mental fitness. This is true for both children and adults, whether the learning be knowledge or skills--a pedagogical axiom, teachers are already re- discovering, The physically fit man or woman has et least capavity to serve others. And the greater the fitness the greater may be the service. ‘or can men and women enjoy their leisure when physical powers are absent or even merely depleted. As the giant oak drives its root like tentacles into the earth and clutches a giant boulder to make its attehhments more secure so does Sh tentin boty attach its ligaments and tendons to bones for muscular strength and physical security. Seven eights of the return ciroulation of the blood back to the heart is dependent upon muscular exercise. Finally, the physical powers of human bodies are the ultimate recourse for self-preservation, A stpong man or nation may succumb but a weak one cannot long survive in a world of ruthless force. Indeed the relations between physical page two powers, courage, and will @re so intimate that psychologists, educators | and dictators alike join them, in the almost instinctive phrase, strength and character--modern engineers and industrialists exhaust every means +t? measure and isprove the strength and endurance of material. Why not then at this critical hour consider the conservation of physical fitness. It should be the prime cancery of any rational thinking individual. The pioneer psychologists of early days dwelt upon this thought, G, Stanley Hall said, "man is an omnibus in which all of his ancestors ride", Schiller and Spencer innit the idea of the surplus energy theory of play. The child played because it had an abundance of surplus energy. The biological theory of play finds its followers supporting the premise that the lower animal develops of muscles in play which enable it at later times to catch its prey. The cat toys with a leaf or its own tail to devedop its. muscular responses so it can eatch a mouse at a needful time. Running, jumping, leaping, vaulting and climbing are the fundaméntal activities of man. The big muscle agtivities produce strength and ee The smaller nuseles activities, coordination and skills. But upon the | strength of the big muscles activity is dependent the finer responses of the smaller muscle groups. | So, as the boy learns to play the quickly bounding ball instead of permitting the ball to play him, he is learning quick and correct reactions to difficult situations. The uncanny forward passers in football or the adept basketball passer has developed an unsaual peripheral or depth vision which enables him to locate his team mate and to pass the ball successfully at a rapidly moving target at the exact iinet, : The biological theory of play is brought into practical use in this CASE, This athlete by developing such ugusual depth perceptions is seabtet to judge the speed of an dnnoning uxteoshiie and to determine the speed of his own car, when passing a truck, so as to avoid any semblance of danger. page three Or, when going through busy Saalaneiitthnns the perpheral vision of the driver, often tested in games, is sufficiently strong to avoid collisions. A successful bitoune to an .nusual situation is the reward of the winner in athletic contests. — Old England's fenous quotation, “That the battle of Waterloo was won on the Cricket Fields of Baton and Rugby", is still good today. Doubtless the battle of the Bismark will call forth quotations equally famous. At the U.S, Military Academy at West Point, New York, above the Gymnasium door cared in stone are these words of Major Koehler, “Upon the fields of friendly strife are coi the seeds that on other fields on other days, are borne the fruits of Victory." All over America in our Universities, colleges, and highschools, we have a great army of American youth who are playing gemes and as they — play, they develope quick reaction and responses which will make them more fit os OUR GREAT DEMOCRACY in time of NEED, A varsity letter on the breast of our American Collegiate means that he has played for fun, and that he has esc ihad dx the laboratory of joyous endeavors. The Nazi plays at war as the American plays for fun . A broadsword scar on the iseo of a Nazi is exhibited with pride ae is a Varsity letter on the breast of our American athlete. Our American boys when paying games are playing for sheer fun, but at the same time, they are breathing with their legs. And, as they breath with these large fundamental muscles they build a stronger body. Glenn Cunningham, the greatest of all the World's Champion Milers, began as a handicapped boy. The Ideal before bins when he was a little fellow, was clean competition, allowing every boy a just start and a fair Pints We're happy to think that this is our way of life and although handicapped, no impediments are placed in the way of youth. On the other ms ¥ “6 < 4 hand, encouragement is given them so that the may grow stronger. As. play and games are open to all of our American\ Youth so is the right of free enterprise open to allot our Auavtean ¢thisens. Play and games pilus work develope moral, esprit de corps. Every worthy organization is built upon such an ded and the perpetuity of that organization is largely determined by the sincerity with which the ideal is fostered. : Through unnumbered years the oncoming crop of yeuthial atnbetes will attempt to right some wrong, to fight for their widen, and to excel some old star's record---in all, a tripel prayer of conquest to dream true. For this is the never-changing and immortal spirit of youth. | Last Tuesday evening at 8:30 P.M. the President of our own United States spoke to the Youth of America as well — its oldsters, {fis words bristled with imminent danger to our Country. NOW is the time for all good men to come to the aid of their Country by becoming superbly physically fit. startled flinching hollow-eyed pointing pres scrubbing chs ogas pee creole beaten: furred es hooded he chinless ga shovel-shoed: thick-thatched bustle-backed ripply-haired sway-backed thin-nosed ee pear-nosed pot-bellied . slough-footed culean paddle-pawed paddle-footed ° elic : Satanic : fa” re digging. coo long-fingernailed se Rooke Soe singing ae , cheering bien stumbling three-tced : a waving four-toed 2, kicking aa aay; seven-toed — finger-sucking eight-toed sees ates nine-toed _ . one-fingered Tooree two-fingered pelt three-fingered tnereduons . four-fingered irritated five-fingered . pompous six fingered OOrsnE drooling seven-fingered ue eight-fingered | acing ee straight~backed one-handed invisible hairless visible snarley-haired saw-toothed ripply-muscled pensive + muscle-bound stream-lined \0/ thick-waisted swivwel-hipped - reaw-boned cadaverous - ham-headed empty-handed moon-faced distinguished pick&e-puckered faced delapidated “pince-nezed dumpy ring-nosed | bedraggled . cupid-lipped clownish spotted fervent steylwart - eager animated fresh chewing slit-nosed cross-legged et over-coated Sele SS i She SRS Sa ea I Ss Nl er a eS USO ats ana cen ah ai ° shirt-tailed sockless bootless bizarre tight-lipped trigmphant toddeling simpering sniffing pantalooned block-headed ministerial tuxedoed belted suspendered collarless sturdy. hydrocephalic saw- toothed solicitous serious sedate sour-pussey salubrious stolid _ sharp-shinned down-hearted daring silhouetted high-arched burdened un-burdened bunioned sunken-chested corseted rain-coated toil-worn unkempt unsophisticated unctious unblemished military commanding cowering 8 - hep tuniced wounded crushed double-chinned SEE ghey 5 | =" . 5 | gold-toothed square-chinned bloated roguish buck-toothed dimpled exhausted . be-wigged short-nosed - weather-beaten surly rustic f Roman-nosed wrinkled - maddened sturdy. | ~; _crooked-nosed surprized . masked sniffling [ pug-nosed erect booted eating ace flat-nosed™. bandaged bound. . drinking mush=mouthed glum * gagged stubborn aes shaggy-haired sallow. chained swaggering | long=necked- legless pajamaed sweating : short-necked peg-legged ear-ringed night-shirted _ crooked=necked armless » wide-eyed robed ; bull-necked> — fingerless open-mouthed albino broad-shouldered one-eared frowning: woebegone : broad-chested wide-hipped cringing pouting narrow-chested narrow-hipped blushing excited . flat-footed frowning ©. staring bovine acd long-armed kneeling ashen pointed-chinned. short-armed sitting trembling hump-nosed slender-fingered standing crouching whistling. long-fingered stooping — jumping whimpering _ narrow-waisted lying 5! swimming adolescent. portly side=-burned diving gasping on tatooed squatting running... gargling..... ‘ hairy-chested boney groveling: et ee ae shirtless bloody bending. workin ane hatless spitting’ bleeding striding shoeless crying bruised hopping ©. pantless tense relaxed choking gloveless> shocked leering. blistered tieless terrified: ~ boorish. burnt flabbergasted solenm stern 7 deabEtES be-ringed ; hawk-eyed crawling scratched . : suvbaned: dish-faced dudish club-footed worried - _ blue-veined dapper web-fingered 24 unconcerned red-nosed dencine praying. wy intent imperious drugged. active oe filthy calm debonair inactive ~y..f9 7 naked - yellow-toothed agpoplectic disgusted sick - crooked=toothed half-breed squinting: dead flat-eared hardy. _ ; writing 3 alive big-eared tired . panting hunted - wide-mouthed chipper: hairy-arged | sleeping overalled bareheaded anguished awake - raw-boned > barefaced sallow toothless’ square-built barelegged even-featured gigantic pig-eyed | gloved . moled.-.-_ ferocious impatient. hatted warty-hended pigmy skinngy-legged clothed .. hilarious wholesome long-waisted tubercular gesticulating don r+ -short-waisted evil drowning hunted | erying good dying bare-foot. twitching marching shivvering shirt-sleeved smirking peevish shocked i pimpled : Lightings: pious sprinting unshaven wall-eyed strutting reading . fine-haired dancing struggling reaching 4 2 1 coarse-haired working stretching leaning fase playin reaching lounging 2+ “hin-haired : rhuematic hideous ee 8, v2. Sadar cami undernourished’ well-fed healthy | happy joyful giddy austere dignified unruly petulent blind dramatic jovial grey-eyed blue-eyed boown-eyed _ kinky-haired curly-haired black-eyed benign fraternity man — non-fraternity man longgnosed bleary-eyed stubby-fingered angry deceitful courageous cowardly sheepish | insane intelligent over-confident red black white yellow olive-skinned brown = black-haired brown-haired auburn-haired red-haired ~ yellow-haired Neanderthal Cro Magnon Teutonic Nordic Italian French Spanish German Finnish Russian Scotch Irish ._. Swedish Danish Greék Polish Rumanian Egyptian Indian ~ Chinese Japanese Persian Manchurian Sige? = Phillipino Hiawdiian Mexican — Jewish belligerent peaceful soldier sailor fat skinny lanky tall short agile muscular stiff graceful stocky ~ well-built pock-marked sun-burned tanned ' pale ruddy — sandy-haired bald-headed white-hbared greg-haired bushy-browed thing-skinned awkward gangly-limbed hunch=-backed shell-shocked . ragged well-dressed slovenly tidy clean dirty conceited modest — poised self-satisfied _thiek-skinned - stubborn amenable plump greedy generous eer athletic: effeminate near=sighted red-eyed © pleasant brawny cheerful pessimisti€é hard ©= kindly. - beneveloent. reti¢cent pop-eyed fish-faced - gap-toothed knock-kneed bowlegged pigeon-toed cross-eyed » be-spectacled cold handsome calm nervous cruel boisterous reserved friendly affable juvenile boyish . youthful mature. manly -: crest=fallen embarrassed shy drunken turbaned be=medaled slant-eyed - smoking hilarious sullen - - duck-footed diseased. anemic young bad bd middle-aged super-annuated uniformed mournful cunning — short- legged ong-legged laughing smiling .. grinning Yawning a | sneezing. - coughing. talking - yelling screaming — glowering. hazel-eyed \ grey-eyed 95. green-eyed.< tow-headed . long-faced.-. broad-faced weary armed .- -s unarmed strong club-footed. expressionless slump-shouldered grotesque crippled: staggering scared snooty >=) fearsome ~ brazon tiny cross pouting — phlegmatic audacious insolent - sneerings-<+= over-bearing one=-syed short-haired long-haired shaven-headed wavey-haired straight~-haired scar-faced. -birth-marked bearded smodth-shaven mustached monocled «| top-hatted: thick-lipped hare=lipped w thin-lipped*«* cauliflower-eared earless - squint-eyed high-cheeked bright-eyed © dull-eyed. glassy-eyed bl even= Yosthea tienda aaa