a cnsinianabeonnenataned tatraieniiesinticle i AS TO GAMENESS. It isn't the flame and the rush and the dash, It isn't the charge and the sweep — the erash, It isn't the sudden oust teas) thrill of the heart that's ablaze with victorious will; But itts just coming on---coming on---«-coming on, In the. faces wP-32% helt wiew the isst hope seems gone; Still pilictns and plodding---whatever the load, Coming on---coming on---to the end of the roade There's only one reason for games strewn about, Not winning or losing but playing them outs; Not merely to pick up the cheers that are due, or when others break though; Still plugging and pitiding end groping away, Through fogs and through shadows that hold one at bay, Well knowing how little it matters if one Keeps pounding along £&kix to the end of the rune Grant land Riceée Regardless of score and the break of the game, fhe Raw lesh of fate and the echo of —)