PERSONALITY RATING Physical coordination: agility, smoothness of action (awkward, clumsy; poorly coordinated; satisfactory; well coordinated; superior athletic type) Physical stamina: endurance, strength, staying power (weak; below standard; satisfactory; strong; unusual staying power) Bearing and appearance: carriage, smartness, neatness, poise (sloppy, poor carriage; unimpressive; average; good appearance; out~ standing carriage and appearance) : Industry and application: thoroughness, perseverance (lazy; indifferent; prepares his work; interested; zealous) . Initiative: creative, takes responsibility, goes beyond assignments (unenterprising; makes false starts; average; takes on additional tasks; plans and carries through) Integrity: honesty, and reliability (untrustworthy; well intentioned but weak; usually dependable; trustworthy in difficult situations; completely trustworthy) Cooperation: teamwork, spirit of service, interest in others (uncooperative and anti-social; self-centered, cooperates unwillingly; generally cooperative and social; considerate, cooperates willingly; superior teamworker, public spirited) Personal,magnetism: ability to get along with others, to influence others in definite lines of action (a nonentity; sometimes antagonizes; gets along with others; makes his influence felt; an inspiring leader) | Emotional stability, self-control (emotionally unstable; shows his feelings too readily; usually. controlldd; good emotional balance; controlled even under extreme stress ) Common sense and judgment: ability to think practically, to adjust to new situations (does not grasp situations; poor judge of situations; sees the problem; good grasp of situations; shows unusual insight)