ms ¥ “6 < 4 hand, encouragement is given them so that the may grow stronger. As. play and games are open to all of our American\ Youth so is the right of free enterprise open to allot our Auavtean ¢thisens. Play and games pilus work develope moral, esprit de corps. Every worthy organization is built upon such an ded and the perpetuity of that organization is largely determined by the sincerity with which the ideal is fostered. : Through unnumbered years the oncoming crop of yeuthial atnbetes will attempt to right some wrong, to fight for their widen, and to excel some old star's record---in all, a tripel prayer of conquest to dream true. For this is the never-changing and immortal spirit of youth. | Last Tuesday evening at 8:30 P.M. the President of our own United States spoke to the Youth of America as well — its oldsters, {fis words bristled with imminent danger to our Country. NOW is the time for all good men to come to the aid of their Country by becoming superbly physically fit.