League stresses the reasons why the Navy must be ever ready, ever alert for instant action whether such action may call for dip- lomacy, humanity or force; reasons why, in the final analysis, our Navy must be inferior to no other Navy in the world. Our people may know much of the vic- torious Navy of war times, but little of its share in the victories of peace; of the prestige that its armed strength gives to our statesmen in their conduct of diplomacy; of the protec- tion it gives to our exports which we cannot consume and must market abroad; of the insurance that it gives the entire people that this vast business by which we live shall not collapse in time of war; and of the great value of the Navy as an industrial asset. The Navy has played no small part in the progress of America to its present state of influence, and the Navy League emphasizes this unity with every interest and activity of the national life. In all matters having to do with national efficiency, the Navy League will be found on the side of progress. While the primary pur- pose of the League is to work for a strong and efficient Navy as our first line of defense, we cannot in the interests of national peace, over- look other elements that make for prepared- ness, and which have some relation to naval matters, The Navy League rejects the fatuity of dis- armament by example. Living in a world of reality, the League would foster the instru- ment of its security while looking forward to the realization of the ideal not yet attained when the only security needed by mankind shall rest in the hearts and minds of men and nations.