PRESS CONFERENCE WITH ADMIRAL HALSEY : In the United States recently on leave, Admiral Halsey held a widely publicized press conference. However, one question and answer of eo interest he members — of a Navy League is ‘set forth here in full: ig The Press: ‘Admiral, do a think we should keep the fleet regardless ; oF a world league? ‘Adintral ‘Baresy: We better had! SHIPS TO RUSSIA: Sixty Liberty Ships are being dettveraa to Russia by tee: United States to relieve acute merchant — Seen nate = ADMIRALS OF THE FLEET: Admirals Ernest J. King, Chester W. Nimitz, and William D. Leahy have stepped up to the five star rank. They will wear these stars in a circle on shoulder boards of overcoats and shirt collars of summer uniforms. Above the broad gold braid indicative of flag rank will be four stripes of gold to mark the Admiral of the Fleet. One five star job remains vacant. NAVY MANPOWER NEEDS: The Navy still needs nurses. Eligible for Navy Nurse Corps and a commission are registered nurses 21 to 40 years of age, single or divorced. All eligible nurses should be referred to the nearest Office of Naval Officer Procurement or Red Cross Recruitment Committee. Also urgently needed are doctors up to age 60. Physical qualifications were recently modified and many not previously eligible are now acceptable. Procurement offices in Chicago, Cincinnati, Detroit, Kansas City, and Minneapolis have commissioned appointments available to Chaplains, electrical, mechanical, and civil engineers, retaurant and hotel managers, warehouse managers, Shipping experts, stevedores, accountants, comptrollers, and patent attorneys. In general a college education and extensive experience iS required. = HIGHLIGHTS OF THE REPORT OF THE SECRETARY OF THE NAVY: The Secretary recently made a report on the world's largest Navy. The 38-page public document covered the fiscal year 1944 and phases of the Navy except combat operations. The Secretary said that the Normandy and Mariannas invasions "demonstrated" again that sea power is the foundation, though not the final element of victory. Neither our land forces nor our air forces could be brought to bear until, having beaten back the enemy fleets, we Secured our advance bases and the sea lanes to them. Our ability to reach the homelands of our enemies--and their ability to reach us-=have depended on one factors Allied control of the seas." "We have learned that in order to make our nation secure we must always retain the capability of attacking our enemies on their shores rather than permitting them to bring the war to us... The greater our strength the sooner our victory." ". « e One of the foundations of American naval strategy", declared the Secretary, "is the concept of a mobile fleet. . - not tied to land bases, one capable of enormous strategic range." In detail the problem of supplying the world's largest fleet, consisting on 30 June 1944 of 1,108 war ships and 60,191 other craft and 34,000 planes mounting 220,000 guns is described... Men.and supplies come from 900 shore establishments and 300. advance