SWIMMING let period ~ Test all new cadets in the "B" testing progrem which is: 200 yard swim using the back stroke, breast stroke, side and craw} stroke each for 50 yards. Swim 20 ft under water from a surfage dive. Carry &@ eet 60 ft using the ieee swinmer 's carty. . ? res 2nd period - Use 80 to 30 minutes Yaad on the leg. action for each stroke. This can be done by having cadets grasp the handrail of the pool and support thenm- selves. either on the ae back, = the water. Have cadets surface dive 5 times soing oe length of the pooi(segregate the poorer swimmers ) Swim in. groupa of 18,(poorer swimmers sgragated) for 8 minutes, using two minutes to each stroke. Squadron competition in water Polos 3rd period = Pair cadets off in two's, using the tired swimmer in carry to take sach other i of pool and back, Demonstration of each stroke, with ay oper timing of tog action and Peace es Swim & minutes in groups of 18. Squadron Competition in water. polo. - 4th period - Demonstration of method of inflating iis aniet ann : | trousers. Swim in. groups for 10 minutes » ising the. ‘4 strokes. Squadron competition in water Bolas Stn period- Swim for- 13 minutes du equal eroups, Us sing the & | strokes. — | Squadron! Sompetition in water polos 6th period= Swim for 16 minutes +5. equal groups, using all 4 ster - Strokes « pea ee competition in water polos wit Notet The Uabveraity pool is very small and of aseessity some of the frills must be foregone in order that each man get out Seek ene time in the water. ~—