ist period 2nd period Srd period 4th period “Bth period 6th period 7th period SOCCER «Divide into squadrons, each one having two lines facing one another. a-All eadets go through the procedures on the command of instructor, without a ball. l=Inside kick, outside kick, instep kick, g~Pair off tn four's or five's and take _ @.ball around a designated area, passing it from one to the other « 2~Squadron. competit Lone. 1-Divide by squadrons~explain rules of soecer a~Trapping lefTrap with sole ‘or foot e-Trap with side of foot and orotomach trap - b-Split into small groups for game of “take away” within a desisenated smali area. 2-Squaedron sompetition. Lower leg l~Divide by squadron and review: a~Trapping — | b-Kicking -» 2-Take up dribbling ‘ a8 a~Use drill taking vail to cortain spot : and back : : S- Squadron competition: 1=Divide aquedrons - ge=eyiew trapping end udeking without bali b-Pake up heading the ball l-Straight forehaad 2@Side of head S-Heading under bali. 2~Squadron competition. i-Divide aquad. evenly into 4 or more groupe. a~Review kicking, and trapping. b-Take up shooting for goals ‘ l