. ; % ee as he a 3 ae e ae8 . : a 8 * te *, | -Summer Physical Ed. Prosream= \.' GAA = WES School--Lawrence, Kanses---~ Schedule Outline - . 44? Week of: June 14th---Speedball | July 24th---Speedball June A lg and Tumbling : Pisoni A ag and Tumbling June e-—ISeimming ~ — UsSus “" (Swimming Juby on , August15t a July LOth---Wrestling ae July L7th~ -~-Baslketball August2Sth--Basketb apoE imaee sheriies Gee eaEEwer A.~-Class meets O7QO to OS8Q for cadets who have ground school in the — morning. 1700 to 1930 for those who have ground scheol in the efter- noon. 60 cadets fn eac:. classe-- B.~Classes meet daily except Saturday, when the above periods will be | used for military drill. , ? .) GeeCadets may have 15 minutes at the stert and 10 minutes at the end of each period for dressing and showers-~ ; 3 D.-The 1st 15 minutes of the class period will be used for calisthenics. : or mass exercise. ef : The next 20 minutes will be used for instruction in fundamental / skrlis of each sport. : | The remainder of the period will be used for competition. : B.-There will be pregression from the elementary to the more advanced ; skills in the spert during the second week of such sport. F.«When the weather causes a program change from outdoor to indoor ; activity time will be spent on upper arm development. 4 Rope climbing~-setups-~push ups--lLadder~chinning-- G.-Sub swimming classes will meet daily and these men will remain 4n this sport until they can approach the "B" testing level.