Gym and Tumbling--Week of June let, tonday---Individual activities, as set up on following sheet lst 35 minutes Relays---15 minutes Suggestion: Llephant walk--Backward Yialking raco--Heel and hand, position--- Two more relays---Fireman's earitye-e wheel barrow, ete. Tuesday--Individual activities Relays | Wednesday-Individual activities Free-time--pyramid bullding, ete. Thursday-Individual activities Friday---Individual activities Note: At present 40 individual activities ere listed, including the vaults, tumbling, high bar, parrailel bar, rope and ladder---feel free to add to this list, and inélude the rings, if available-- I would suggest each cadet be civen a number, and thst as he passes the stunt he report it to the cadet keeping the record. This would leave instructor free for dem — onstration.