Otticer Arrives To Train Cadets Lieut. (j.g.) Ben Douglas has ar- rived in Lawrence to assume the du- ties of athletic officer at the war training service school for naval aviation cadets at the University. For the last three months Lieu- tenant Douglas, formerly head coach at Grinnell College, Grinnell, Iowa, has been on duty at the Navy Pre- Flight school at Iowa City, Iowa. His duties have been in the basket- ball and military departments, Lieutenant ‘Douglas was gradua- ted in 1931 from Grinnell where he |participated in football, basketball, and track. He began coaching ai \the Greenfield, Iowa, high school, ithen moved on to Cornell College at Mount Vernon, Iowa. He went ‘from there to the Maplewood, Mo., |high. school where his pupils: inclu- ded: Paul Christman and the Orf twins, all of whom later won fame jon: the. Missouri football team. For the last: three years, Lieutenant Douglas’ has been head coach at Grinnell. ' Lieutenant. Doitglas i is married Saath has one son. — His family will join jhim here if he can find suitable: housing accommodations. | With the arrival of Lieutenant Douglas there will be a stepping up lof. the athletic training given to the naval aviation cadets stationed at Kansas: Approximately one and one-half hours daily will be devoted ito physical conditioning. The great- lest emphasis will be placed upon |swimming but there will also be in- ‘struction and competition in basket- ‘ball, soccer, military track, gym- ‘nastics and tumbling, wrestling and ‘touch football.