December 5, 1939 Coach Forrest Cox, Colorado University, Boulder, Colorado. Deer "Frdsty": I am enclosing one of the announcements of the "National Association of Intercollegiate Basket=- bali", Among other discrepancies, you will notice mention of the "James As Naismith Memorial Trophy", which Dre Naismith really gave as a memorial to his wife, Maude Naismith. This was not a memorial to Dr» = ‘Naismith at alle You will also notice names of persons listed with the district chairmen who are also members of the National Basketball Committee of the United States and Canada. I notice that your name is listed as re- presenting Coloradoe You will remember we discussed this in Hew York at our Pules meeting and I am wonder- ing if they printed your name here without your know- ledge or authorizations I believe this is on organization which our committee should not overlook. Sincerely yours, Chairman, 5th District, N.CoAsA-.