STANFORD UNIVERSITY OFFICE OF THE DEAN OF MEN STANFORD UNIVERSITY, CALIFORNIA December 12, 1939 Dr. Forrest C. Allen University of Kansas Lawrence, Kansas Dear Doctor Allen: Thank you for your letter of December 5 with the inclosed information concerning the National Associa- tion of Intercollegiate Basketball. I am very much surprised that the schools which are members of the N.C.A.A. permit their basketball coaches to continue their association with Liston's group. I am calling this matter to the attention of Bill Owens with the hope that he, as President of the N.C.A.A., will communicate with member institutions concerning this organization. If you have any other suggestions please write me at the ear- liest possible moment. Cordially yours, P.S. Dud DeGroot and I had lunch gether at Rotary yes- terday. He was most appreciative the many courtesies which you and Mrs. Allen gave him while he was in Lawrence. He reports that his brother, Bert, is most enthusiastic about his work and that he has the highest regard for your leadership in the Department. 4 a i fe al 2 és os dy BNcduatei( boavvinc- ss. gtebendi ee i