Mareh 7, 1958. lire Everett De Case, Frankfort, Indientie Deay Everett: I have signed the cight sample cortificates which Sa eee me just this morninge I do not believe I have eny additional suggestions for the Tonor Roll. With best wishes, I om Director of Physical Pduaation, Varsity Baskotball Coashs rma ‘, SE ALL- AMERIGAN ADVISORY BOARD BASKETBALL HONOR ROLL * WARD LAMBERT. Purdue University DR. FORREST C. ALLEN. Kansas University SOCIETY JAMES NEEDLES. Loyola University JUSTIN M. BARRY. U. of Southern California WW) EVERETT N. CASE, NATIONAL SECRETARY ( | FRANKFORT, INDIANA il February 28, 1938. MMM, tl roe ul “An All-American certificate signed by such _ outstanding leaders in the game as Piggie Lambert, Sam Barry, Jimmy Needles and Phog Allen has our boys battling religiously for. the honor.’’—John L. Adams, Lincoln High School, Vin- cennes, Ind. * “Every boy on our high school basketball squad _ is working hard, making better grades and improving in every way in order to obtain the All- American certificate. It is a great stimulus to the boy and coach’’.—Lewis Lerda, Coates- ville, Pa., High School. * “The program of the National . Interscholastic All - American, Basketball Honor Roll Society is of great aid to the player and coach. There is nothing like it and has the support of all Louisiana coaches and school men’’.—M. T. Cheves, Natchitoches, La. * “I am highly honored to be selected on the Advisory Board of the National Interscholastic All-American Basketball Honor Roll Society. The program is filling a need in the basketball system of our American high schools'’.—Ward Lambert, Bas- ketball Coach, Purdue Univer- sity, Lafayette, Ind. * “Boys who earn the _ All- American’ certificates should make for the best there is in future citizenship. This is a splendid program and=appar- ently has the backing of every coach and educator in the country. It is within reason to expect that some who receive this. honor will be future re- presentatives on the American Olympic Basketball team’’.— Jimmy Needles, Loyola Univer- _ sity, and Head Coach, U. S. Olympic team in 1936. Dr. Forrest C. Allen University of Kansas Lawrence , Kansas. Dear Dr. Allen: I am enclosing five or six sample certificates which have already been signed by Sam Barry and “ames “eedles, and we want you to sign all of them and please rush back to me at once. The shield on the certificates will be in colors, red and blue and the certificates will be on parchment paver. I will mail you a copy as soon as they are off the press. Replies have been coming in at a fair rate, but I believe that if we can put it across this season, that next year, it will gain in polularity. As soon as I receive these certificates back from you, I must send to Ward Lambert for his signature. If you have any additional suggestions please let me know. Best personal regards. I am, Cordially yours, ENC /KK January Sl, 1958¢ he Haar snl ern Pendaie 16 se vory mee Se deed. | In some of your printed information you list thet I em the author of "My Basketball Bible". I am sorry that I did not, when writing you, give you the information goneerning my new book, “Better Basketball”, and ask you to ee ee | Pashotbell Bible" wis published in 162 and ‘tains ‘of over 15,000 copies. eae ae Whittlesey House, HeGreweHi11 Bock Company, is starting off end. Ye ond if you have an opportunity to mention the new book I would appreeiate it. 1 would be glad to hear from you ae to how your new project is moving alonge With every good wish}: I am Sineersly yours, ) Director of Physical Edueation, | PCAsAE . Versity Barketball Coaches — November 15, 1937s ' re Everett Ne Case, , Frankfort High School, Frankfort, Indianas Dear Everett: _ I am more than interested in your letter of November Sth asking that I serve on the Advisory Board of the National Interscholastic All-American Honor Roll Society. Will you kindly explain to me the plan of sub- sidization and how you get the money to pay ten cents per name? I would like to.kmow more about it, and upon receipt of your letter of explanation I assure you I will — eee — . | With every good wish, I am Very sincerely yours, Director of Physical Educations FCASAH FRANKFORT HIGH SCHOOL > FRANKFORT, INDIANA OFFICE OF THE PRINCIPAL November 8, 1937 Mr. Forrest Allen Basketball Coach Kansas University Lawrence, Kansas Dear Mr, Allen: We have organized a National Interscholastic All-American Basketball Honor Roll Society, and woulé like to have you act as a member of our Advisory board. Jimmy Needles of Leyala University, Las Angeles; Dr. H. C. Carlson of University of Pittsburgh; Sam barry of Southern California; and Ward Lambert of Furdue University have agreed to serve in that acapacity. A boy to be elégible to receive the certificate must be reeommended by his coach, and must meet certain standards such as ability, attitude, cooperation, and loyalty. for every member certified, we will pay you ten cents and use your name, and if you see fit to aceept this, would you please sign your name and we will have the plate made so that it ean be printed on each eertificate. In that way, it will not be necessary for you to sign each individual certificate-- but, will be printed. In addition, we would like for you to suggest standards that should be met by the players in order to receive the certificate. The high sehool coaches I have contacted are very enthusiastie regarding the idea and feel that the boys on their respective squads will have a like enthusiasm to meet the requirements. May I have your answer soon and any suggestions will be appreeiated, With kindest personal regards, I am 2 ager 4 y of December 5 and would — all the requirements de- } to receive recognition ~ SaaeL Intevseholastie Aimorican Saskrtball Honor t ‘Rolls : kak te a i a lo hes ee : Aavbeoiy Heals: Doubtless you have consulted the executive secre- teries of the different high school athletic associationse They, © ee ae Ge ea ee es trainiug, attitude, Near on Get aia uirencnte. think training should be one of the fimdamenial req eo wee ns teeiaateae ta heieere ike, tas ad paper with India uk co that you can make e print therefrats \ | T will. be hapoy to have you keep me adrided as to progress you are mailings I » of course, would like to sce one: 0: the certificates when you have thea in shape, and also I would like to lmow how you are heading up your organization and ' when you plen to meet. Would it not be well to meet during the time of the Wational Basketbell Coaches meeting, and plan same sort ae re eee ) group were together? | * 1 Wi) thank you f for added information as it Comes to youe 7 . Very cordially yours, * FRANKFORT HIGH SCHOOL FRANKFORT, INDIANA OFFICE OF THE PRINCIPAL December 3, 1937. Lat Dr. Forrest C. Allen Basketball Coach University of Kansas Lawrence, Kansas. Dear Dr. Allen: I have your reply regarding your serving on the Advisory Board of the National Intsrecholastie All-American Basketball Honor Roll, and also your questions regarding same. Every boy recommended by his coach for the certificate, must pay a nominal fee for the certificate. In most instances the high school athletie association, will pay for the various boys. This is not in a strict sense All-American as to ability, but All-American as to Attitude, Co-Opertaion, Loyalty, Sportsmanship. It will make the vartious high school youngsters work hard during the season as to training, attitude, loyalty and also school work, and if the boy meets these requirements at the end of the season, the coach makes the recommendation. I feel as if it is a fine thing for both coach and player. I will appreciate any suggestions, and will have to know at once if you can act in that capacity. I must get out the various pamphlets and advertising materials. I plan to contact every high school and prep school in the United States. I have the endorsement of high school coaches all over the country. Over one hundregthoussand boys are playing prep school basketball. I already have Dr. Yarlson of Pittsburgh; Ward Lambert of Purdue, Jimmy Needles, Olympic Coach and Sam Barry of Southern Yalifornia on the Board, and trust that you may see fit to serve. Best personal regards. I an, Sincerely, by. P. S.- Any suggestions will be appreciated. September 19, 1936. confi- the ine group i “hs : ‘i : . 4 Hi ; ih bi Se Hl Mit Hi el ih i Wa i . iP Ny ¢ TONAL TERSEHOUSTON ae ADVISORY BOARD BASKETBALL HONOR ROLL WARD LAMBERT. Purdue University DR. FORREST C. ALLEN, Kansas University SOCIETY | JAMES NEEDLES, Loyola University JUSTIN M. BARRY. U. of Southern California EVERETT N. CASE, NATIONAL SECRETARY | FRANKFORT, INDIANA ii! MH, ys MW! ‘“‘An All-American certificate signed by such _ outstanding leaders in the game as Piggie Lambert, Sam Barry, Jimmy Needles and Phog Allen has our boys battling religiously for the honor.’’-—John L. Adams, Lincoln High School, Vin- cennes, Ind. * “Every boy on our high school basketball squad is working hard, making better grades and improving in every way in order to obtain the All- American certificate. It is a great stimulus to the boy and coach’’.—Lewis Lerda, Coates- ville, Pa., High School. * “The program of the National Interscholastic All - American, Basketball Honor Roll Society is of great aid to the player and coach. There is nothing like it and has the support of all Louisiana coaches and school men’’.—M. T. Cheves, Natchitoches, La. * “IT am highly honored to be selected on the Advisory Board of the National Interscholastic All-American Basketball Honor Roll Society. The program is filling a need in the basketball system of our American high schools’’.—Ward Lambert, Bas- ketball Coach, Purdue Univer- sity, Lafayette, Ind. * “Boys who earn the _ All- American certificates should make for the best there is in future citizenship. This is a splendid program and appar- ently has the backing of every coach and educator in the country. It is within reason to expect that some who receive this honor will be future re- presentatives on the American Olympic Basketball team’’.— Jimmy Needles, Loyola Univer- sity, and Head Coach, U. S. Olympic team in 1936. Dear Coach; Basketball is now getting in full swing in the majority of American high schools. We have a program out=- lined by the National Interscholastic All-American Basket- ball Honor Roll Society that will be of great aid to you in your coaching as well as a big help to your boyse The National Interscholastic All-American Basketball Honor Roll Society program is an integral part of the basketball system in a large number of high schools in the United States today. It provides the impetus that 4s very essential to every boy who is battling for a position on your high school squad. Every lad in your school, who is a prospective basketball candidate, is eligible to receive the All-American certificate if he meets the standards of Scholarship, Training, Loyalty, Attitude, Sportsmanship and Ability. This program not only stimulates the desire to play basket- ball, but also to succeed scholastically as well and to produce the characteristics that are essential to success. The certificate will be awarded to each boy upon your recommendation, after carefully grading each boy in the above phases. Each boy must have a complete grading sheet filled out by his coach, and must have attained a general average of 90% What boy in your school would not cherish one of these certificates signed by four of the outstanding basketball authorities in the country?-~ Dr. Forrest Ce. "Phog" Allen, University of Kansas and author of "My Basketball Bible"; Jimmy Needles, Coach at Loyola University and United States Olympic Basketball Coach in 1936 at Berlin; Ward Lambert of Purdue Univer- sity and Sam Barry, University of Southern Californiae Look over the enclosed sample grading sheet, and send for additional sheets. Place the enclosed CIRCULAR ON YOUR BULLETIN BOARD IN THE LOCKER ROOM WHERE EVERY BOY CAN SEE IT. It will bring you great results. There will be a nominal charge of $2.00 for every certificate issued. These ; certificates are generally paid for and presented to the players by their respective high school athletic associations. If you are interested in the plan, fill out the enclosed Business Reply Card and we will send you additional grading sheets and complete information. The Society has the endorsement of Educators, School Men, Athletic Directors, Coaches and Parents all over the country. It will be a big help to the success of your boys, the success of the squad and your success as a coache Please send the enclosed card for complete information at oncée ~Gerdially Oa National Secretary a i caiagewies t cgi: NATIONAL INTERSCHOLASTIC Lee BASKETBALL HONOR ROLL SOCIETY Wh, EVERETT N. CASE, NATIONAL SECRETARY 4 ) Nh FRANKFORT, INDIANA tit CONFIDENTIAL | GRADING SHEET Neve of Sabiaal Cptea Z. Hey eel’. City zo Town Vi ieee yy State Gu dr 6c © ‘ GY NOTE: In grading the following sections, note the points at the side of each topic and grade according to the perfection of each subject. Take the six sections and divide by six to arrive at the total or general average. . SCHOLARSHIP (Every candidate must have an average of 80% or better in all solid subjects to be eligible. Second semester averages are to be com- piled between March 1 and April 1.) af First Semester Average Pit Fo Diet eee, ..... . Second Semester Averace oo... cs cess MS 6 se 5 f nat LFA — TRAINING 1. Keepingsan condition physically (20) ........3... a 2. Keeping in condition mentally (20)............... _: Je 5: Wependawiity (20) (3.2. oes ee a eee rte Total rs es ATTITUDE s 1. Attitude as shown by conduct in school, toward RB O school work, in games and elsewhere (20)........ __{5 2; Aeceptance of coaehine (20)... 06.06 6s ir. 3. Punctuality (20) ......... 6c cee e cee eee e ee eee Lap 4. Attitude toward teammates, coach, officials and 20 requirements>,(20) ......%. Mae So oe ane a was ate eae 5. Modest y-(20}--. i oe age PO 2 BIOS. bo ah mee SPORTSMANSHIP 1S 1. Accepting decisions of officials (20)............... AA 2. Observance of playing rules (20)% ud. t.....-.. gee 3. Willing to grant a point in question (20).......... ae 4. Taking no advantage (20)........... Soe oe ee: —ae ee Tore 16 ABILITY A. INDIVIDUAL OFFENSE I; SPC. PAEOWINE| CS) ecb Sia a eke boo he De eres ; Passne and. Timing (3) .25 oso. . be See eee eos COM NAMA wD Shooting (One and two handed) (3).........0..... ee ae ee eae Turns-and PivotsiG3)a2. . edt . sonodl. .Uadievoad: .: Be TOMI Cy ssi oo nhs, Pi aces soe MS <8 2 CHange. of ‘Pace: (3)? 29. ose srs cerataterete ete tetelereteteretets . Jumping on held balls (3).......... S alasepeis Gene 10. Starfin-arg Biopping (3)........... Re Re me eS B. INDIVIDUAL DEFENSE i. oo NM oO A Rk wD 10. . Feinting (3) Wigmmcen ad Hootwoark (8):...; 6.6.65 6.56 beeen Slee “See ort ee eee eee ; Covering. -maiy withnball (3). os. is i. es ic es . Covering Tan\without ball (3) ,....5..60.-..0.3.% . Covering two men, one of which has ball (3)...... . anterception of passes (3)..% $0.05 666.6. ee eee . PeSensrp.ceepounds (3). Ju. Me... cc ee es © 4) 0) =. 9 0) 0! © 00 6) 0) 0 aMbi age 0 © © © 0: 0.0.0 6:0 00 6 0 0 0 0 ip PROM SIVENOSS (a) oc Bieta Gee ee ess PIOTAMESA 6B) cho eo oe oe ee eS oe be C KNOWLEDGE OF THE GAME ao Pe woN ,-Wnowledge-of the miles (4) ..40 3: 2S. 2S eas . Knowledge of the coaches’ offensive system (4).... . Knowledge of the coaches’ defensive system (4).... OUNCE (Ao ain nisiiaaies alana ee Oeade sotg seceees wad p GCROEOISHID C4) 2) Sis ee hi ee sce ae oe as D. ABILITY TO WORK WITH TEAM Toe ae ee eee 2. Defensively. (10) CC Grand Total Average sun cael soya Recommendation for Certificate Having fully met the requirements of the National Interscholastic All-American Basketball Honor Roll Society, we hereby recommend xk * IMPORTANT NOTICE: This sheet must be completely filled out and sent to the National Secretary between March 1 and April 1. How Would © r wy gh School Bashkalball Honor jo, 7 All-American in Scholarship, Craining, Attitude, Lovalty, Sportsmanship and Ability kkk Requirements For Certificate I. SCHOLARSHIP—Each boy must have maintained an average of 80% or » | higher for both semesters. % | BASKETBALL HONOR ROLL II. TRAINING—(1) Keeping in shape physically, mentally and emotionally. > a SOCIETY wi ( Nae You may earn one of the All-American Cert- ificates by making 90 percent average on points listed under ‘Requirements for Certificates” EACH CERTIFICATE WILL BE SIGNED BY FOUR OF THE OUTSTANDING COACHES IN THE UNITED STATES (2) Working toward self improvement and observances of rules and regulations. Ill. LOYALTY—(1) Loyalty to good name and standing of school, high ideals, to coach and teammates. (2) Compatability. (3) Dependa- bility. IV. ATTITUDE—(1) Attitude as shown by conduct in school, to- ward school work, in games and elsewhere. (2) Accep- tance of coaching. (3) Punctuality. (4) Attitude to- ward teammates, coach, officials and requirements. (5) Modesty. V. SPORTSMANSHIP—(1) Accepting decisions of officials. (2) Observance of playing rules. (3) Willing to grant a point in question. (4) Taking no advantage. (5) Cour- tesy. VI. ABILITY—(1) Individual offense--Shooting (one and two handed), Free throwing, Passing and timing, Feinting, Dribbling, Turns and pivots, Rebounding, Change of pace, Jumping on held balls, Starting and stopping. (2) Indivi- dual Defense—Stance and footwork, Lateral guarding, Covering man with ball, Covering man without ball, Cov- ering two men, one of which has ball, Interception of passes, Defensive rebounds, Feinting, Aggressiveness, Alertness. (3) Knowledge of the Game—Knowledge of the rules, Knowledge of the coaches’ offensive system, Knowledge of the coaches’ defensive system, Strategy, Generalship. (4) Ability to Work with Team—Offensive- ly, Defensively. xkkk* | EVERETT N. CASE, NATIONAL SECRETARY FRANKFORT, INDIANA ~~ National Interscholastic All-American Basketball Honor Rall Society All-American in Ae Ue Scholarship, Graining, Attitude All-American in Lovalty, Sportsmanship, Ability This is to certify that of habing been recommended by his Coach, at hating satisfactorily met the requirements as prescribed by the NATIONAL INTERSCHOLASTIC ALL-AMERICAN BASKETBALL HONOR ROLL SOCIETY is heretith afuarded the ALL-AMERICAN certificate fwith a total aberage of ee Waa b. dante PURDUE UNIVERSITY. # & UNIVERSITY COACH U. S. OLYMPIC CHAMPIONS 1936 Bated THE ALL-AMERICAN CERTIFICATE This Certificate is 8'4x11 and printed in colors on heavy paper University of Southern These Outstanding Coaches will sign the All-American Certificates WARD LAMBERT Purdue University JIMMY NEEDLES Loyola University Coach U. S. Olympic Team 1936 ye DR. FORREST C. ALLEN California University of Kansas JUSTIN M. BARRY Consult your Coach for Further Particulars and How to earn the All-American Certificate October 1, 1958, Dear Everett: , I am sorry, too, that the plan has not been @ financial success so for, and tht you have had to take @ deficite However, I believe your idea of having the . blanks returned at once is a good one and I trust your. plen will work out to your benefit. With best wishes, I an Very sincerely yours, | | Director of Physical Edueation, FCAsAH | Varsity Basketball Coaches enbfict High Sahool Frankfort, Indiana Office of the Principal September 16, 1938. Dr. Forrest C. Allen Basketball Coach University of Kansas Lawrence, Kansas. Dear Dr. Allen: In response to your letter regarding a financial statement of the National Interscholastic All-American Basketball Honor Roll Society, I am enclosing a complete analysis. It was a big disappointment to m, but I am still convinced that the plan is satisfactory, and trust to work it out whereby we can realize on it. I am taking a complete turn on this aff#lr, and am now woking on a plan whereby we can sell the certificate at the first time of sending out the circulars of publicity. If you have any suggestions regarding this, l will be more than pleased to have them. I received requests for over 4,000 grading sheets, but at the end of the season, I only received back 45 with the checks and completely filled out. I believe that if we required these to be sent in at once that we would benefit. Many thanks and best regards. I am, - oo ; i ENC /KK Trankfort Hfigh sehoal Frankfort, Indiana Office of the Principal Stamps for circularizing 20,000 circulars and envelopes Cl1¢ vet ee re eee Stamps for answering COFPOSVONIONCO 6s ci ccsiscicvesss 85,88 Stamps for sending out grading sheets@.3e( 4,000 ).. 120.00 Printing of 20,000 letterheads, 20,000 envelopes, 20,000 circulars, 20,000 grading sheets and 20,000 business reply cards...(Darlington.Printing.Co)........ccceces 298.60 Aoweds 4S Certfuiates totd@ 2? toh = 70.00 BSS? FL