NOTE: In grading the following sections, note the points at the side of each topic and grade according to the perfection of each subject. Take the six sections and divide by six to arrive at the total or general average. . SCHOLARSHIP (Every candidate must have an average of 80% or better in all solid subjects to be eligible. Second semester averages are to be com- piled between March 1 and April 1.) af First Semester Average Pit Fo Diet eee, ..... . Second Semester Averace oo... cs cess MS 6 se 5 f nat LFA — TRAINING 1. Keepingsan condition physically (20) ........3... a 2. Keeping in condition mentally (20)............... _: Je 5: Wependawiity (20) (3.2. oes ee a eee rte Total rs es ATTITUDE s 1. Attitude as shown by conduct in school, toward RB O school work, in games and elsewhere (20)........ __{5 2; Aeceptance of coaehine (20)... 06.06 6s ir. 3. Punctuality (20) ......... 6c cee e cee eee e ee eee Lap 4. Attitude toward teammates, coach, officials and 20 requirements>,(20) ......%. Mae So oe ane a was ate eae 5. Modest y-(20}--. i oe age PO 2 BIOS. bo ah mee SPORTSMANSHIP 1S 1. Accepting decisions of officials (20)............... AA 2. Observance of playing rules (20)% ud. t.....-.. gee 3. Willing to grant a point in question (20).......... ae 4. Taking no advantage (20)........... Soe oe ee: —ae ee Tore 16