DEPARTMENT INSTRUCTION December 4, 190 Dr. Forrest ©. Allen, Director, Division of Physical Education, University of Kansas, Lawrence, Kansas, Dear Phogs Replying to your letter of November 2, wish to say that I am writing John L. Griffith today and sendinghim copies of the correspondence I have had with Chet Brewer, I am just a little hesitant to go beyond that point because, being a public school representative rather than a collegiate representative, I feel that it would be entirely out of place for me to give the appearance of in any way attempting to influence the selection of the collegiate personnel. I feel quite certain that Saint and Ole will go the limit and am inclined to think the Major will take his cue from Saint and do all he can. With personal regards and trusting that this works out as we hope it will, I am, Yours very truly, es Directing Supervisor Bureau of Physical Welfare FAR-IE ADDRESS ALL CORRESPONDENCE FOR THE ATTENTION OF THE PERSON SIGNING