Mre Floyd A. Rows Board of Education Cleveland, Ohio Dear Floyd; I em sending you a carbon copy of a letter that I heve written John Bum. sw I spoke extemporansously and I trust that TI have Gel Ge atte cee oe eee oe ee ee that the competitive game for immture junior high players was contraindicated. If my memory serves me correctly, I was wmder the impression that you said it very definitely interfered with their growthe Now, regarding the inches, since I was speaking extemporansously, I am not sure I made a gargantuan statement. Sincerely yours, Director of Physical Education and Recreation Varsity Basketball Coach FCA slg February 8, 1941 lire Floyd Ae Rowe, Chairnan Natle Basketball Comnittee Board of Bducation Cleveland, Ohio Dear Floyds Thank you for your good letter of the 6th instante Frankly, I am very happy in not being named to the Rules Committee because the old balogna about rotating membership would be all right for Alice in Wonderland, but a fellow that has seen the machination of polities as long as I have would only give ita faint smilee if a fellow does not hold certain boot straps it is too bad for him, well, I have never done that end I am not going to start nows The boys got what they wanted and they can also take their Tournament Managers I have never been a fellow who wanted to do anything just for the sake of kotowing, I do it either because I like a fellow or I like the reward of a well completed jobe So, Floyd, you will not see me sitting in on the Rules Conmittees I will be busy doing other things and happy in the thought that I have had the pleasure of working with you, but. I never bother the other fellow at his worlte ! With kindest personal regards, I am, Sincerely yours, Director of Physical Education and Recreation Varsity Basketball Coach FOAglg “NATIONAL COLLEGIATE A. A. - NATIONAL FEDERATION H. S.A. A. - Y. M. C.A. - CANADIAN I. A. U. and A. B. A. NATIONAL BASKETBALL COMMITTEE CHAIRMEN OF SUB-COMMITTEES Executive Publication Frorp Rowe Oswatp Tower Research Questionnaire Forrest C. ALLEN H. V. Porter Game Administration Sumner A. Dote Complete List of Committee Members F. C. Allen Univ. of Kansas Lawrence, Kansas John Brown, Jr. 347 Madison Ave. New York, New York Forrest Cox Colorado University Boulder, Colorado J. H. Crocker Univ. of Western Ontario London, Ont., Canada Sumner A. Dole Connecticut State College Storrs, Connecticut C. S. Edmundson Univ. of Washington Seattle, Washington J. Mark Good Sun-Gazette Co. Williamsport, Pennsylvania E. J. Hickox Springfield College Springfield, Massachusetts A. H. Jefferess 114 Carrick Ave. Hamilton, Ont., Canada Frank P. Maguire 46 N. Cameron St. Harrisburg, Pennsylvania H. G. Olsen Ohio State University Columbus, Ohio Curtis Parker Centennary College eport, Louisiana G. Warren Phillips High School Hebron, Indiana H. V. Porter 11 S. LaSalle St. Chicago, Illinois Floyd A. Rowe Board of Education Cleveland, Ohio J. W. St. Clair Southern Methodist Univ. Dallas, Texas H. Jamison Swarts Univ. of Pennsylvania Philadelphia, Pennsylvania Oswald Tower Andover, Massachusetts of the UNITED STATES and CANADA Vice CuHairman, F. C. ALLEN Univ. of Kansas, Lawrence, Kans. Treasurer, H. JAMISON SWARTS Univ. of Pa., Philadelphia, Pa. Epiror, OSWALD TOWER Andover, Massachusetts Cuairman, FLOYD ROWE Board of Education, Cleveland, Ohio Secretary, H. V. PORTER 11 S, LaSalle St., Chicago, Illinois February 6, 1941 Dr. Forrest C. Allen University of Kansas Lawrence, Kansas Dear Phog’ Replying to your letter of February 4th, wish to say that it was a disappointment to me that you were not named from your district, However, it seems to me that the policy of the Netional Collegiate to rotate its district representation on the Board had to receive some consideration. That thought was expressed to me by two or three different people, and it was my hope that Professor French of Ohio State would feel strongly enough about the matter to try to have you appointed, in the face of their somewhat hard and fast rule which was, as you know, set aside in order to have you serve the second time. Of this, however, I am sures that you will be missed on the Rules Committee, and trust that you will feel perfectly free to sit in with us, even though you will not have a vote. It seems to me to be too bad that you did not feel you could con- tinue as tournament manager. I will be very much surprised if it turns out that any one else will do as satisfactory a job as you did. With personal regards, and locking forward to seeing you at the ball game, and trusting Kansas may be in there egain this year, I am Sincerely yours to K, € = FAR: McG Chairman \e Pebruary 1, 1941 Mr. HeGe Olsen WAA Basketball Tournament Comes Ohio State University Columbus, Ohio Dear Oles T always answer letters even though I am somewhat belated in my replye Your telephone call perhaps made it unnecessary for me to sallaae the lean, woh 5 leawe'a letter an ay tok CaaS teen ae itand I aa now answering your good letter of the 14th instante : in the last part of the first paragraph of your letter, you state, “but apparently the sticking point came in that the representative _ ‘from that district had taken a poll. which indicated that there was a strong desire for a changes” Doubtless you will recall that I informed you that four years ago this same representative had apparently taken a poll because your Professor French told the basketball committee that there was a strong desire for a change, but it happened that Mr. Artie Eilers, who was then the chairman of the Nominating Comittee, informed Mre French that he had the poll in his possession and everybody in the Missouri Valley and the Big-Six had voted for me with the exception of Missouri, and it was Professor FPremch's desire at that time to place Mre fdwards on the canmittees I oly refresh your memory for the purpose of informing you that I was not born yesterday, and that it does not always take a young man to read the handwriting on the wall for an old kinge | Persomlly, I think they did me a real kindness, So many fellows are afraid to express their thoughts for fear of their getting in bad with the machine and they go on taking dictations forever and failing to be fully independent as they should bee I have always been of this opiniong T would much rather be free, white and effective than to be a stooges You have asked me to let you know right avey my feelings in the matter, @nd I have done that, — Geod luck to you, Oles Sincerely yours, — Director of Physical Rducation end Recreation Varsity Basketball Coach FCAsig THE OHIO STATE UNIVERSITY Howarp L. Bevis, President DEPARTMENT OF PuysicaL EDUCATION L. W. St. Joun, Director COLUMBUS Jenuary 14, 1941 Dr. Forrest C. Allen University of Kansas Lawrence, Kansas Dear “Phog": I have learned with a good deal of disappointment that you were not retained for another term of service on the Rules Committee. I> believe you know that Saint, Jim St. Clair, French and myself did everything we thought we possibly could to convince them that you should be put on there for another term, but apparently the sticking point came in that the repre- sentative from that district had taken a poll which indicated that there was a strong desire for a change. I was sorry to hear this, especially from the tourna- ment standpoint, but after all, that is the point in my writing you now. I see no reason for this affecting the tournament set-up, provided you are willing to carry on. If you are will- img to go ahead in the same capacity that you had last year in this tournament business, it is my fervent hope that you will do soe The mere fact you are not a member of the Rules Committee would not hamper your effectiveness and I hope it wouldn't dampen your enthusiasm for this project which you have done so much to further. é Please let me know right away your feelings in the matter and let me again urge, as strong as I know how, that you stay in there and pitch. With kindest regards, I am Very sincerely yours, a c = H, G. Olsen Chairman, N.C.A.A. Basketball HGO:M Tournament Committee January 21st, 1941 To Members, National Basketball Committee: By this time you have probably been notified that the annual meeting will be held at Kansas City, Missouri, on Sunday and Monday, March 30th and 31st. The N.C,A.A, basketball finals will be held on the night of March 29th, At this time I call ettention ss To the enclosed proposed constitution, and To the desirability of sending suggestions relative to the annual question- naire | Enclosed is copy of the constitution which was drawn up several years ago but which has never been officially adopted, You will recall that it was presented to the group at leat year's meeting but the time available was short and the com- mittee decided to postpone action until this year. ‘s far as I know, this con- stitution was draw up in such awy as to meet with the approval of all of the constituent groups after a careful study had been made of the sentiment relative to its provisions. It is my belief that it is in wnformity with the needs of the committee but you should take the time to study its povisions in order that action may be taken at the annual meeting without consuming too much time which will be needed for the real business at hand, i.,e., consideration of the basket- ball rules for next year, Please bring your copy of the constitution with you to the meeting, | The questionnaire will be made up in a mamner similar to that of last year. Each member is invited to submit suggestions, An attempt will be made to in- corporate these suggestions in a form which will be passed upon by the members of the questionnaire sub-committee. The fiml1 printed form will represent the combined judgment of this sub-committee, Here are some suggestions relative to what should probably beineluded in the final questionnaire. 1, Cheek-up on sentiment relative to important changes of last year, 2, Statistics relative to number of courts equipped with new type backboard, action designed to improve court lighting conditions, sentiment relative to the ¢fect of the game on health of players, extent to which substitu- tions are mie by the use of substitution slips, and extent to whichwill clocks are satisfactory as the offical timer, 3. Rule proposals for 1941-2 should probably include the followings a. Should substitutions be permitted following a field goal, i.e, any time the ball is dead? b. Should the game be slowed up by requiring that the offichl handle the ball after a field goal and either hold it for a few seconds or award it to the team scored upon at mid-court out of bounds? ¢. Should the official go to the scorer's table when the scorer's horn sounds and complete all substitutions at the table? d, Should the rules provide for one scorer, one timer and a supervisor or checker to be assigned specified duties and to be responsible to the Page two - referee for all matters pertaining to timing and scoring ? | e, Should basket supports be marked with a two-inch line above — the end line so that the back of the board and that part of support which is above the court may be considered inbounds? f,. Should a player be permit five personal fouls before he is dis- qualified or should a player be permitted an additional personal foul For your convenience a copy of last year's included with this letter to remind you of the form which the , questionnaire are received from you within a few days after receipt of this letter, it will be assumed that you are willing to leave this matter entirely in the hands of the questionnaire sub-comniittee. Mi eb Pi areal al ieee aa oe ee COSC TE Tet eert ARS BFte Lass of the NATIONAL BASKETBALL COMMITTSE OF THE UNITED STATES AND CANADA ARTICLE I + NAME Ihe name of this organization shall be "The Natioml Basketball Committee of the Urited States and Candda". ARTICLE II - PURPOSE The »vurpose of this organization shall be to legislate upon the official rules of ve skectball as played in the colleges, schools and by amateur teams in the United States and Canada; to supervise the administration of the official rules and to pro- mote the welfare of the game to the end that recreation, healthy competition, and good sportsmanship may be aided thereby. ARTICLE III - MEMBERSHIP Section l. the constituent organizations holding membership ont his committee and the number of representatives for each shall be; (a) The National Collegiate Athletic Association.....sseee-+eeee-8 representatives (b) The National Federation of State High °chool Athletic Associations.....4 representatives ‘3 The Young Men's Christian Associati on..cccccccccevesseccccccee representatives (d) The Canadian Intercollegiate Athletic representative (oe) The Canadian Amateur Basketball Associationesecccessceceeeeeel representative In addition to the representatives montioned above, the Y.M.¢.A. shall have the privilege of designating honorary member John Brown, Jr., as a voting member as long as he may be actively connected with that organization. Also Oswald Tower shall be considered a National Collegiate member-at-large as long as he continues to be edi- tor and interpreter. The committee as a whole shall elect an editor who may or may not be a regularly ap- pointed member of the committec. By a two-thirds vote of the committee, an invitation to other organizations for mem- bership on the committee may be extended and by the same vote members or former mem- bers may be designated as honorary members for life when by long and distinguished service such members may merit this distinction. Honorary members may attend meet- ings of the committee and shall have the privilege of the floor but no vote. ection 2. onstituent organizations holding membership on this commitee shall provide the secretary of the National Basketball Committee annually with credentials of member- ship on the committee. ARTICLE IV -- OFFICERS Section l. Officers of the Committee shall be oa Chairman, a Vice-Chairman, a Secretary, a Treasurer am an Editor. fection 2. The term of each officer shall be for one year. NCTE; In order to insure some degree of stability it should be the general policy of the committee to continue the officers through their term of committee member- S tele L) er wee 210 oo GU VU OU wk Section 3. Election of officers shall take place at the annual mcting of the Com- mittee and the newly elected officers shall take office immediately upon election. Page two - ARTICLE V - EXECUTIVE COMMITTEE There shall be an Executive Committee consisting of the officers of the National Basketball Committee and such other members of the Committee as may be duly elected by the membership. The Executive Committce shall handle all business of the National Committee between the annual or any special meetings of the National Committee. Four members of the Executive Committee shall constitute a quorum. ARTICLE VI -- DUTIES OF OFFICERS (.) Chairman -- Shall preside at all meetings of the Committee and of the Executive Committee and in general shall perform the duties incident to his office. (b>) Vice-Chairman -- During the absence or inability to act of the Chairman, shall perform the duties of that office. (c) Secretary -- Shall keep the records of all meetings of the Committee and the Executive Committée. He shall give ond serve all notices of meetings and in general perform the duties incident to his office. (a) Treasurer -- Shall keep full and accurate account of all moneys received and shall deposit the seme in the name and to the credit of the Nationnl Committee as may be designated by the Executive Committee. He shall disburse the same under the direction of the National Committee and shall present at each annual meeting a written report of the Treasury. In general, he shall perform the duties incident to his office. (e) Editor .«- Shall assemble and edit all material for the Official Basketball Rule Book and Guide, keep accurate record of all amendments to the rules and interpret oy mail, if requested, any and all questions arising out of the rules and in general perform the duties incident tc his office. ARTICLE VII -- VOTING Each member of the’ National Committee shall have one vote and the vote of a majority shall prevail in all. matters unless otherwise provided herein. Members unable to attend may, with the consent of their constituent organizations, send an alternate with power to vote. Voting may not be by proxy. ARTICLE VIII -- MEETINGS Section l. Tho annual meeting of the Committee shell be at the close of the basket- ball seasun in the spring at a time determined by vote of the committee at the time of the last preceding annual mecting or, in tho absence of such vote, at the call of the Chairman. The order of business shall be in accordance with the agenda made up by the Secretary and approved by the Executive Committee. Section 2. Special meetings of the Committee may be called at the discretion of the Chairman and shall be called upon the written request of six members. ARTICLE IX -- DUTIES AND POWERS Section 1. It shall be the duty of the National Committee to formulate the playing cules for the game of basketball for schools and amateur circles generally. These shall be considered the official mles. Section 2. The National Committee shall hnve sole jurisdiction over the publication of the official mles and the ownership of the copyright shall be vested in the com- mittee. Publication of the rules may be by contract or an undortaking of the Com- Page throe - mittee at the sole jurisdiction of the Committeo of the whole. The National Federa- tion of State High School Athletic Associations shall, while they are a member group of the Committee, have the right t. publish and distribute a high school edition of the official mles as adopted by the Committee. This same privilege may be granted to any other member group hy a majority vote of the Committee. ARTICLE X -- SPECIAL COMMITTEES Ssosion 1. All Special Committees shall be appointed by the Chairman and shall con- sist of the number of appointees designatod by the Chair and perform the duties out- lined at the time of their appointment unless otherwise designated by the Chair. fhe Special Committees shall be; (2) Committee on Research. te} Committeo on Game Administration. (c) Committee on Questionnaire. ARTICLE XI -- FINANCES Section 1. After payment of all current committee expenses and the establishing of a suitable reserve (approved by the Committee as a whole), the balance of the receipts shall be divided as follows; 85% to the Naticnal Collegiate Athletic Association 10% to the Young Men's Christian Association 5% to the(Canadian Intercollegiate Athletic Union (Canadian Amateur Basketball Associaticn NOTE: The share paid to the two Canadian groups will be paid half and half until such time as tho Committee by majority vote might choose to apporticn the amount to the two groups on some basis tc be agreed upon. The percentage allotted to the Canadian groups may be increased by the committee ot any time the sales of the guide in Canada exceed 5% of the total sales. Secticn 2. As long as the National Federaticn elects to print and distribute the special high school edition of the guide, they will not share in the income from sales of the regular guide and they shall be expected to take care of the expenses of their own representatives on the committee. ARTICLE XII -- AMENDMENT This constitution may be amended by a two-thirds majority vote of the duly necredited members of the National Committee either at the annual meeting orat a special meet- ing called for that purpose. In either case written notice of the proposed amend- ment shall we boen mailed ty all members at least fifteen days prior to the mecting. NATIONAL COLLEGIATE A. A. NATIONAL FEDERATION H. S. A. A. - Yh 6 A CANADIAN I. A. U. NATIONAL BASKETBALL COMMITTEE of the UNITED STATES AND CANADA Ce SSS 1940 ANNUAL QUESTIONNAIRE This questionnaire is sent annually to representative basketball men in order that their views may be presented at the annual meeting of the National Committee. The Committee will be grateful if you will check these answers and RETURN THEE CU eT re FOE Ghassan ccc hss sel eniamnatabeatanetccaccdeuasannsiandcsannnsesnennnscecnesemeeseathn The Committee Member or State Athletic Officer whose name appears above will send all replies received up to March 16th to the Secretary of the Committee, 11 South LaSalle Street, Chicago, Illinois. PART I. Concerning rule changes made last spring: Any player may request a time-out. Is present rule satisfactory? Yes............ We sccscricns After a technical foul, the throwing team keeps possession at mid-court. Is present rule satis- factory Ts OG ean NOE as A captain may waive the free throw and take the ball at mid-court after a personal foul. Is present rule satisfactory? Yes............ Paes When a player in the act of throwing is fouled from behind, two free throws are always awarded. (a) Has this rule been properly enforced? Ves cc NOs ees (b) Has it tended to eliminate the deliberate push in the back? Yes........... ae (c) Is present rule satisfactory? WiGs) oe INO ees On a free throw for personal foul, it is a viola- tion when the ball does not go through or touch the ring before touching a player. Is present rule satisfactory? Yes............ es Is the present rule on the four-foot end space satisfactory? Yes............ INO ieee PART II. Concerning general trend of game: (c) Free throw lanes 8 feet wide? VOR ac! INOHcockes PART III: Concerning rules for 1940-1: £3, 12. 13. 14, Assuming that proper safeguards would be made against any sudden compulsory use of equipment whose use would involve considerable expense, do you favor permitting the optional use of: (a) A flat surfaced backboard with several inches removed from the borders and with upper edge circular? Yes............ INGO2 2. (b) A convex surfaced board with shape as in Cs alee (aera Noises (Check this only if you are connected with Col- lege or Independent games). College and Independent games should be played in 10-minute quarters. Yes............ Pit Should the number of jump balls be reduced by: (a) Awarding ball to the offensive team, if it is in the air on a try at the end of a quarter and is not successful. Yes............ INOS Shes (b) By awarding ball to the team on defense, if they cause a held ball outside the lane or center restraining circle? Yes........ OQ ..555 (Check only one) (a) For games played in quarters, remove re- striction on number of times a player may enter during first three quarters and permit only one re-entry during the fourth quarter and during each overtime period. Yes........... 7. Molded Type Ball: ; (a) As compared with the ball with sewed ee eee Set 6 tee ee seams, the molded type ball is (1) More three times. © Yes........:.... satisfactory............ (2) Equally as satisfac- (c) Retain present rule on re-entering. ae (3) Less satisfactory............. YOS..n.-- seer (b) The best bouncing reaction of a ball is: 15. ee a successful field goal or successful ast free throw for personal foul: (1) Minimum 49”.......... Maximum 54”.......... (a) Start watch as soon as goal is made. Median 51” to 52”............. Mi icsivegss DO essence 8. What percentage of the courts on which you (b) Remove right of either team to take play have: (1) Poor lighting............ % (2) Less charged time-out. Yes............ UO ccs, than four-foot space behind backboard............ %. (c) Permit substitution after any goal. 9. (a) Is the present game as interesting and sci- MOR ING=s2 entific as it was with the center jump? 16. Consider any foul (not flagrant) against a Mh Me ad who is in his back court as a technical (b) Are criticisms valid enough to warrant con- oul. (Note that penalty for technical foul is sideration of reinstatement of the center more severe than. formerly). Yes.......... O22. jump with restrictions such as having play- 17. Reduce bouncing tolerance of a ball from the ers rotate for the jump? Yes......... - Wik, present 5 inches to 3 inches. Yes.......... We. 10. Do ap favor encouragement of experimentation 18. If any section of the rules needs to be clarified with: or amplified state which. (a) Baskets without a backboard? Use reverse side for additional comments. Cae DIG sssnsaisne QUESTIONNAIRE-GCOMMITTEE— (b) Baskets 11 or 12 feet high? - F. C. Allen - J. Mark Good A. F. Jefferess @S.......--.-.. I ieccosie H. G. Olsen - Oswald Tower H. V. Porter, Chr. WR (Coach } (Oteiek....... ) (Administrator.......... ) (Other.......... ) Institution Represented: College..............esecesese-- Pen a TO 0 Pa a es Cee City State CANADIAN A. B. A. December 19, 1940 Mre Floyd Ae Rowe, Chaiman National Basketball Rules Committee Board of Education Cleveland, Ohio Dear Floyds: Thank you very much for your communication of December 17 informing us that the meeting of the National Basketball Rules Canmittee will be in Kansas City on the SO0th and Sist of March, 1941, unless it is — for sone reason unknown to you at the present ints We will do everything within our power to make the meeting a very pleasant one for the Rules Bodys if there is anything that you want done, in addition to what was not done last year, it will only be necessary to tell us about it ances With kindest personal regards and the best of the Yuletide's Greetings, I em, Sincerely yours, Director of Physical Education and Recreation Varsity Pasletball Coach CLEVELAND BOARD OF EDUCATION BUREAU OF PHYSICAL WELFARE December 17, 1940 Tos: Members of the Executive Committee National Basketball Committee Gentlemen: The time and place of the meeting set for Chicago, March 26th and 27th, came about de- cause of advance information that the National Collegiate championships were to be set forward one week. Chairman Olsen of the Tournament Committee advises that due to some Pacific Coast conditions, it is impossible to set the tournament ahead this year. There- fore, the tournament will be held in Kansas City on March 29th. ~ That being the case, it would appear to the best interests of every one to have the meet- ing of the Rules Committee on Sunday, March 30, and Monday, March 31, in Kansas City. All interested coaches and other members of the committee cam therefore attend the championship game the night before, if they so desire, | Unless there is some very strong reason to the contrary, the meeting will be held in Kansas City the 30th and 3lst of March. With personal regards and the most sincere Holiday Greetings, I am Cordially yours FPAR3McG | 3 Floyd A. Rowe, Chairman December 19, 1940 Ure Je We Ste Clair Southern Methodist University Dalles, Texas Dear “Saint;" it was swell of you to do what you did in your letter to Mire Brewer and re Te Be Frenche If this does not get the job done then the cards ere stacked too deeply end nothing could be aveiling of any benefit. Thanking you for your many past favors and greciousness, and with kindest regserds to your lovely family, I em, Sincerely yours, ud x , Director of Physical Educetion end "Yecreetion FCA: lg:min Versity Besketbell Coach NATIONAL COLLEGIATE A. A. - NATIONAL FEDERATION H. S. A. A. - Y. M. C. A. - CANADIAN I. A. U. and A. B. A. ST NATIONAL BASKETBALL COMMITTEE of the UNITED STATES and CANADA Vice CuHairman, F. C. ALLEN Univ. of Kansas, Lawrence, Kans. CHAIRMEN OF SUB-COMMITTEES Executive Publication ‘ Cc , FLOYD ROWE Froyp Rowe Oswatp Tower Sed 7 ication, Geadeal Ohio TREASURER, H. JAMISON SWARTS ij 3 Univ. of Pa., Philadelphia, Pa. Research Questionnaire Secretary, H. V. PORTER Forrest C. ALLEN H. V. Porter ae Epiror, OSWALD TOWER 11 S. LaSalle St., Chicago, Illinois Game Administration Andover, Massachusetts Sumner A. Dote Complete List of Committee Members F. C. Allen Univ. of Kansas Lawrence, Kansas John Brown, Jr. 347 Madison Ave. New York, New York Forrest Cox : Colorado University Boulder, Colorado J. H. Crocker ; Univ. of Western Ontario London, Ont., Canada Sumner A. Dole Connecticut State College Storrs, Connecticut C. S. Edmundson Univ. of Washington Seattle, Washington J. Mark Good Sun-Gazette Co. Williamsport, Pennsylvania E. J. Hickox Springfield College Springfield, Massachusetts A. H. Jefferess 114 Carrick Ave. Hamilton, Ont., Canada Frank P. Maguire 46 N. Cameron St. Harrisburg, Pennsylvania H. G. Olsen Ohio State University Columbus, Ohio Curtis Parker : Centennary College Shreveport, Louisiana G. Warren Phillips High School Hebron, Indiana H. V. Porter 11 S. LaSalle St. Chicago, Illinois Floyd A. Rowe ’ Board of Education Cleveland, Ohio J. W. St. Clair Southern Methodist Univ. Dallas, Texas _ H. Jamison Swarts Univ. of Pennsylvania Philadelphia, Pennsylvania Oswald Tower Andover, Massachusetts Southern Methodist University, Dallas, Texas, November 26, 1940. Mr. F. C. "Phog" Allen, University of Kansas, Lawrence, Kansas, Dear "Phog": Replying to your letter of November 23rd, inclosing Financial Report, I wish to advise that I am signing same and forwarding it to Mr. Olsen today. Again, I wish to express my sincere ap~ preciation of your work in this matter and to con- gratulate you on the outcome, With kind personal regards, I am Sincerely yours, J/ W. St. Clairs JWS :FML Chairman, N.C.A.A. Basketball Rules Committee, cc: Mr. H. G. Olsen, The Ohio State University, Columbus, Ohio. Mrs Ce Le to I an taking the Coumittee, Allen to the N. ¢, oS as Chairman of the N. C, A, A. Basketball Rules you in regard to the ity Ae this year marke the close of Mr. Ff. C. Allen's appointment as ware A. Ae Basketball Rules Committee. of the Be Prac 93324 ft eli THE I itl i ai aia fil | i Hi bi fae fe pi =e MTT Te TE gh’, at int : ili une “d Hi if i it ié ti ai ech te ara Allen's efforts sia ah pel i ite sala! pe 3 a ae of the N.C.AA. sents had been selected for the Nestern Play-off and the for 1941. With kindest personal regards, I am satan lations ET TT Southern Methodist material, Dallas, Texas Sevenber 26, 1940. Mr. Thomas E. French, Chairman, , Nominating Comittee” for the NeCsAeAe , The Ohio State University, Columbus, Ohiec,. Dear Mr. French: ‘I feel so keenly the urgent need of the re-appointment of Mr. F. C. Allen to the WN. G. A. A. Basketball Rules — Committee that I have written the attached appeal to lir. — I feel that the loss of Mr. Allen, not only as an out~ standing on the National Rules Committee but as a member of the committee which has been appointed to conduct the N. C. A. A. Tournaments for another year, would be too great for me not to voice my sentiment in the matter. With kindest regards, I am JWS PML Chairman, N.C.A,A. | Incl. Basketball Rules Committee. December 16, 1940 Mrs Fi e Rowe, Chairmn : Tati Basketball Rules Counittee Board of Education Cleveland, Ohio — - Dear Ployds “The earbon copy of your letter to Professor Thomas ©, French, as of December 13, hag just been received, and I again want to thank you sincerely for everything you have donee You are @ Yooman and a friends Director of Physical Edueation and Reereation Varsity Basketball Coach FeArig # x See, eS ce is oe Ts REE TES a eae wee, ee. ee r 13, 1940 Professor Thomas E. French | 7 Ohio State Universi ty Columbus, Ohio Dear Professor French: Op St. John and Coach Olsen in eainesh tehen Gaaateen, Weis would be perfectly logical raised the point that he Kt the situation. for me to write you concer : There are two scheduled changes with the | collegiate representation on the my Ourtiy Pan Sommittee - Sumner Dole and Forrest Allen. In ; it is possible to have three new In addition to this, it is almost cer- }/least one change in the high school toa. representation has, with the exception ae oe oOx, been changing. With all these possible of Dr. Brown ant and =— she L college man : and affiliated with the National ie. 36 doubt I would feel somewhat differently in regard to ituaticn. However, I have the assurance of both Saint and ‘ hatin your official capacity as Chairman of the Committee on Committees, you would be interested in the situation confronting the Basketball Committee. With that in mind, then, I will say that Forrest Allen has been an excellent member of the Rules Committee, in my opinion. As a personal friend, I should dislike to see hie position taken by some- one else, pis er oh ee ale SR in A ie a to re ae eae te ft na ; Bivaie a ¥ ao eee oh Rie are eS y é yt oe hans be pac cintreclesikai aie oa BREA i: — a aa 49 lis RANE le eed Professor Thomas BE. French ~- Page 2 December 13, 1940 As Chairman of the committee, I would feel that regardless of the individual who might replace him, at least for this next year, the ttee would be weakened by his replacement, Sumner Dele has been and ie an excellent member of the co and interest will be missed, but it is my honest judgment Allen's loss would be the greater. Assuring you that I have thought this thing through very careful I am writing this letter in the best interests of the Basketball Committee as a whole, 1 am neerely yours PAR: McG \. Chairman i sBus ey ss sf 73 te p33) fay3* : a fi Hat tal : 1 iit hy Pit Wi ; 3 8 Re - 3 atte ae é g i ih Ed, “qh He I. ; : gate say f fied oa z: j iH uy aii in 8 : : . sath al? s z 3 talkey ; ef 4 [pal das sysfs aft i* Hy | ii i Pak $1 : Ee ef ilewge i Age be sdee atte HA Hz% i no it hay ee He ai ai ue tts f 1 RE "F ia a, * é at 2337 at Li aH a Board of Education Cleveland, Ohio December 4, 1940 To: Members of the Executive Committee, National Basketball Rules Gentlemens From such information as is before me, it appears that the tournament of the National Collegiate will be in Kanses City on March 22nd, and the meeting of the Coaches’ Association in New York on March 24th and 25th, It would appear, then, that March 26th and 27th would be about the earliest the rules meeting could be held. After a lengthy conference with Mr. Porter, we are suggesting that the meeting be held March 26th and 27th in Chicago. The reason for the Chicago suggestion is that on the original vote, we are unable to get a substantial majority to vote for either Kansas City or New York, and I am quoting now from a letter from Mr. Porter, which outlines to my mind the reason for the committee meeting in Chicagot "It is my understanding that the Manufacturers' Association which sponsored the picture "Precision Basketball" is planning a similar picture for next season. Mr, Tower and I cooperated with these people last year because we felt that such a picture would add to the prestige of the work of the National Basketball Committee, and would tend to secure greater uniformity in the interpretation of the rules, The picture appears to have been quite popular and, I believe, it is the general opinion that it has served a good purposes From the standpoint of Mr. Tower and myself, it would be very desirable if our work following the work of the National Committee could be done partly in connection with the work which is also done on this picture. "In order to set at rest any doubts as to whether there is a commercial flavor to — these remarks, I am relaying the information that no fee was paid to us for the work in connection with the picture. The company took care of the expenses of Mr. Tower to Chicego, but whatever assistance we gave was donated in the interests of the game of basketball." In addition to the reasons Mr. Porter has given, I might add that it is quite possible that other members of the Rules Committee micht wish to cooperate with Tower, Porter end the Manufacturers' Association in producing the revision of the picture “Precision Basket~ ball", For the benefit of those of you who may not have seen the picture, let me say frankly that it is an sdvertisement for the molded type basketball but, in my judgment, that portion of the film dealing with the basketball officiating situation is of such value that it would seem as though the Rules Committee might well choose to make of the film an official interpretation of the rules. In case the entire committee, in its judgment, thought well to make of the film an official interpretation, then there would be some point in possibly having a portion of the film devoted to the committee at work revising the rules. This is just @ personal thought, and one to which you need give no great consideration, Awaiting your reply in regard to the time and place of the meeting, 1 am Sincerely yours ,? pe Ou Ey FARSMcG Chairman Mre Ployd Ae Powe Directing Supervisor Bureau of Physical Welfare Cleveland, Ohio . Dear Floyds Thank you for your very good letter of the 25th instant. Yes, I remenber very well indeed the wonderful letter you wrote Chet | Brewer regarding my candidacy. You certainly have done nobly, and while I think everything will go along all right, I do know the backe ground and the energy that our rival University puts forth to put ons ef their men in the driver's seat. I am sorry to see the rumpus created in Columbus. But they tell me those Ohio State boys can really go into high gear quicker _ than any other bunch of Monday morning quarterbacks that I lmow off. Yes, I do know thet Saint is pretty well adjusted to those things, but the fact that he is getting along in years may cause some of the boys to have notions similar to the ideas they have in Michigan. Here is one slent, Floyd, that might appear to you as % Ke John Griffith and Chet Brewer are close friends. It might be thet you as chairman of tho Rules Committee could write John Griffith and tell him the things that you have in mind so far as your ideas of ny worth to the committee are concerned. You might ask John Griffith to write Chet Brewer, if you think this would be necessary, and also ask John Griffith to send a carbon copy to Professor Frenche I am sure that Wagor Griffith would be glad te accede to your request, but do not go to any undue trouble if you think it might be overdone. A couple of weeks ago I had speaking dates at Toiedo and .” Milwaukee and then some alumni meetings in Chicagoe While there I stopped by and had a nice long chat with Major Griffith. Ne took me to the Wailing Yall, a Monday llorming Quarterback Club, and we had a g0ed vanes segerding the Ne Cs dy Ay bagkettel) tournament, ete. Sank plad Su end ot Cw Saki Abed yal bed wih tatty Nomis Iam positive that a good job will be done. | Ten writing to Ors Keune and en sending you © copy of sy letter so that you may keep advised. Mr. Rowe Page 2 November 30, 1940 I have never been quite so busy as this it seems, There are several problems in research that we must do, ves Maicers ity when you ask people to do committee assignments or project work out of season there is usually a lagginge However, the season is upon us and I am hoping during the Christmas vacation to get this project work outlined prior to the coming basketball seasone Our full season is ahead of us. Aren't there some things, Floyd, that you would like to see attempted in @ research way? I ask for you suggestions. With ell geod wishes nor a very happy yaleti de coming up, t am Sincerely yours, Director of Physical Edueation and Recreation Varsity Basketball Coach : FOAclw “ NATIONAL COLLEGIATE A. A. - NATIONAL FEDERATION H. S. A. A. - Y. M. C.A. - CANADIAN I. A. U. and A. B. A. NATIONAL BASKETBALL COMMITTEE of the UNITED STATES and CANADA Vice Cuairman, F. C. ALLEN Univ. of Kansas, Lawrence, Kans. CHAIRMEN OF SUB-COMMITTEES Executive Publication , FLOYD ROWE Frorp Rowe Oswato Tower such Ot ties Gee Ohio Treasurer, H. JAMISON SWARTS —— Questicnnsive Univ. of Pa., Philadelphia, Pa. Secretary, H. V. PORTER es Ae —— 2 11 S, LaSalle St., Chicago, Illinois Eoirorn, OSWALD TOWER Game Administration Andover, Massachusetts Sumner A, Dote Complete List of Committee Members F. C. Allen Univ. of Kansas Lawrence, Kansas John Brown, Jr. 347 Madison Ave. New York, New York Forrest Cox Colorado University Boulder, Colorado J. H. Crocker Univ. of Western Ontario London, Ont., Canada Sumner A. Dole Connecticut State College Storrs, Connecticut C. S. Edmundson Univ. of Washington Seattle, Washington J. Mark Good Sun-Gazette Co. Williamsport, Pennsylvania E. J. Hickox Springfield College Springfield, Massachusetts A. H. Jefferess 114 Carrick Ave. Hamilton, Ont., Canada Frank P. Maguire 46 N. Cameron St. Harrisburg, Pennsylvania H. G. Olsen Ohio State University Columbus, Ohio Curtis Parker Centennary College Shreveport, Louisiana G. Warren Phillips High School Hebron, Indiana H. V. Porter 11 S. LaSalle St. Chicago, Illinois Floyd A. Rowe Board of Education Cleveland, Ohio J. W. St. Clair Southern Methodist Univ. Dallas, Texas H. Jamison Swarts Univ. of Pennsylvania Philadelphia, Pennsylvania Oswald Tower Andover, Massachusetts November 25, 1940 Dr. Forrest C. Allen University of Kansas Lawrence, Kansas Dear Phog? Replying to your letter of November 19, wish to say that I think I wrote you about the conference I had with Saint and Ole about your reappointment. Unless my memory is also faulty, I elso wrote you regarding what I had done with Chester Brewer, Brewer's reply to my letter (which was simply a confirmation of the conversation we had in Chicago) didn't leave me much of any leeway for reply. As 1 remember it, I think I acknowledged it and asked Chet to do all he could, because of your value to the committee. If 1 can think of some cther way to help the matter along, I shall certainly do it, but it seems to me that Saint is in the best position to help along. Whether or not Saint will give it any attention after Saturday's debacle which, no doubt, has put a tremendous lot of High Street Monday morning quarterbacks on his collar, to say nothing of the lf newspaper interests, I can't say. However, Saint is pretty well adjusted to these things, and I think he will go forward with taking care of the matter. Eerly next month, I will be in Columbus, at which time I will make it a point to take the time to run in and see Saint, and talk to him again, Had a talk with Harry Newman and he has what I consider to be an almost ideal set-up to go forward with your experiment. He has a team of tall boys (average 6 ft.) and another team of smaller boys (around 5 ft. 8 in). They will both be coached by the same man on the same floor, and the only difference will be the height in baskets. Dr. Forrest C. Allen : Page 2. November 25, 1940 I am going out tomorrow or next day, and we are going over it in detail, but that is the rough set-up. If you have any suggestions to make that you haven't already made, get them to Newman at your convenience, Trust you will find the time to write to Dr. Keene, and kindly send me a copy of your letter so that I may keep advised, With personal regards, I am Sincerely yours ee Floyd A. Rowe, Directing Supervisor FAR: McG Bureau of Physical Welfare