# x See, eS ce is oe Ts REE TES a eae wee, ee. ee r 13, 1940 Professor Thomas E. French | 7 Ohio State Universi ty Columbus, Ohio Dear Professor French: Op St. John and Coach Olsen in eainesh tehen Gaaateen, Weis would be perfectly logical raised the point that he Kt the situation. for me to write you concer : There are two scheduled changes with the | collegiate representation on the my Ourtiy Pan Sommittee - Sumner Dole and Forrest Allen. In ; it is possible to have three new In addition to this, it is almost cer- }/least one change in the high school toa. representation has, with the exception ae oe oOx, been changing. With all these possible of Dr. Brown ant and =— she L college man : and affiliated with the National ie. 36 doubt I would feel somewhat differently in regard to ituaticn. However, I have the assurance of both Saint and ‘ hatin your official capacity as Chairman of the Committee on Committees, you would be interested in the situation confronting the Basketball Committee. With that in mind, then, I will say that Forrest Allen has been an excellent member of the Rules Committee, in my opinion. As a personal friend, I should dislike to see hie position taken by some- one else, pis er oh ee ale SR in A ie a to re ae eae te ft na ; Bivaie a ¥ ao eee oh Rie are eS y é yt oe hans be pac cintreclesikai aie oa BREA i: — a aa 49 lis RANE le eed