Mre Ployd Ae Powe Directing Supervisor Bureau of Physical Welfare Cleveland, Ohio . Dear Floyds Thank you for your very good letter of the 25th instant. Yes, I remenber very well indeed the wonderful letter you wrote Chet | Brewer regarding my candidacy. You certainly have done nobly, and while I think everything will go along all right, I do know the backe ground and the energy that our rival University puts forth to put ons ef their men in the driver's seat. I am sorry to see the rumpus created in Columbus. But they tell me those Ohio State boys can really go into high gear quicker _ than any other bunch of Monday morning quarterbacks that I lmow off. Yes, I do know thet Saint is pretty well adjusted to those things, but the fact that he is getting along in years may cause some of the boys to have notions similar to the ideas they have in Michigan. Here is one slent, Floyd, that might appear to you as % Ke John Griffith and Chet Brewer are close friends. It might be thet you as chairman of tho Rules Committee could write John Griffith and tell him the things that you have in mind so far as your ideas of ny worth to the committee are concerned. You might ask John Griffith to write Chet Brewer, if you think this would be necessary, and also ask John Griffith to send a carbon copy to Professor Frenche I am sure that Wagor Griffith would be glad te accede to your request, but do not go to any undue trouble if you think it might be overdone. A couple of weeks ago I had speaking dates at Toiedo and .” Milwaukee and then some alumni meetings in Chicagoe While there I stopped by and had a nice long chat with Major Griffith. Ne took me to the Wailing Yall, a Monday llorming Quarterback Club, and we had a g0ed vanes segerding the Ne Cs dy Ay bagkettel) tournament, ete. Sank plad Su end ot Cw Saki Abed yal bed wih tatty Nomis Iam positive that a good job will be done. | Ten writing to Ors Keune and en sending you © copy of sy letter so that you may keep advised.