CITY OF SAINT PAUL Capital of Minnesota DEPARTMENT OF EDUCATION AXEL F. PETERSON, COMMISSIONER J. ©, FELDMANN, DEPUTY COMMISSIONER BUREAU OF PUBLIC SCHOOLS BUREAU OF PUBLIC LIBRARY PAUL S. AMIDON, SuPERINTENDENT CEO MISS PERRIE JONES, LIBRARIAN BUREAU OF SCHOOL CAFETERIAS BUREAU OF AUDITORIUM A. E. TRUDEAU, D!REcToR EDWARD A. FURNI, SUPERINTENDENT December 1, 1939 Mr. Forrest Allen University of Kansas Lawrence, Kansas Dear Mr. Allen: I have your letter of November 24 giving me the names of some men to whom I might write for asSistance in conducting my panel at Wichita this spring. This favor is greatly appreciated and I want to take this means of thanking you for your co- operation. I have communicated with the boys and am now looking forward to meeting them in Wichita. SL. 1y, Gene Aldrich Director of Athletics