co TRADE-MARKS BAKELITE TELEPHONE RANDOLPH 8633 BAKELITE CORPORATION UNIT OF UNION CARBIDE AND CARBON CORPORATION MAIN OFFICE 247 PARK AVENUE NEW YORK UNION CARBIDE AND CARBON BUILDING 230 NORTH MICHIGAN AVENUE CHICAGO, ILLINOIS April 15,1940 Dr.F.C.Allen, Kansas University, Lawrence ,Kansas Dear Fog: No doubt, you may be surprised to hear from me since I have not been in the coaching game since I left Ottawa. However, I had a talk with Schabinger a few days ago and he mentioned the work you coaches were doing on a redesigned backboard. Since getting out of the coaching business, I have been in the plastics game with the Bakelite Corporation and I believe we can fit some of our materials to this new shaped backboard. I would like to ask a few questions. 1 — ould you be interested in a water white board, one not quite as clear as glass but resembling glass to guite an extent? « - If not interested in the above, what color would be desirable. I am figuring that it would be white, although with the present range of plastics we could probably give you a tinted surface anywhere from white to yellow. If you can give me the latest dope on this, I would like to see if we cannot get some sample backboards made up so thet you could probably get them tried out this summer at some of the coaching schools. The new shape would certainly lend itself to plastics better than it did to wood. Yours very truly, at R.E. Brannan REB*MG Sales Engr.