May 28, 19%0 To Members, National Basket bal] Committee Gent lemen ; Under separate cover I am mailing copy of the 1940-1 basket ball rules book. These are the first copies that have come from the press. In order that you may be informed relative to this summer coaching schoo] edi- tion, I em including a few facts relative to it. The number printed in this special edition is limited. It is designed primarily for use in summer coaching schools and m attempt is made to give it wide dis- tribution. Many coaching school directors have been notified that the book is available. Other distribution is through the efforts of the individual members of the National Basketball Committee. Members of the committee may secure the book at the prices indicated in the enclosed form letter. For each copy of this special edition which is sold, the National Federation will pay a royalty of four cents to the National Basketball Committee. (Last year 715 copies were sold and $28.60 was sent to the committee treasurer.) You will note that some of the supplementary mterial is of primary interest to those connected with high schools. The reason for this is that the body of the book is a duplicate of the edition which is used by the National Federation in supplying its member high schools. It is necessary to handle the matter in this way in order to keep expenses dom to a reasonable figure for an edition which does not require more than a few hmndred copies. The wording of the almanac edition which wil] be published early in the fall by the american Sports Publishing Company will be identical with that of the summer coaching school edition. / : In my opinion this special edition fills a real need. Your comments relative to its good points or its flaws will be appreciated. Yours truly, MV bbe H. V. PORTER