Page four - Further Study Authorized The Committee authorized further study in cennecticn with several proposals which seemed to meet with the unofficial approval of the Comnittee. 1. The QUESTIONNAIRE COMMITTEE is t. further study the matter of allowing a sub- stitution any time the ball is dead. A test vote (unofficial) indicated almost unanimous approval of ultimete adoption cf this proposal. Further study is also to be made of the proper bouncing reaction of a ball. ‘. The GAMES ADMINISTRATION COMMITT®E is to further study the possibility of using a checker with one scorer and one timer. This Committee was also directed to give consideration to the proposal that in all cases of substituticn an official go to the scorer's bench whore the substitution will be completed. 3. The RESEARCH COMMITTEE is to further study the possibilitics in the pro posal to permit five personal fouls before disqualification. They are also to give con- sideration to the proposal which would require that after a successful goal, tho ball be given t« the proper team out of bounds at mid-court in order to insure a few secends delay between the scoring of a goal and tk putting of the ball in play. Another problem that is to receive considcraticn is the matter of alleged rough play in the last few minutes of a game and which is attributed to the right to waive afree throw. Business Meeting Editor Oswald Tower called attention t« the need for pictures of the members of the Committee. He asked that each member be responsible for submitting a picture at an early date and also the submission of proper name and initials. He also asked that each constituent organization name a man who is to be responsible for passing upon the suitability of mterial to be included in the almanac secti.n of the guide. Upon motion regulerly made, seconded and unanimously csrried, the Committee voted Oswald Tower the usual honorarium of five hundred dollars for the current year. It was also voted to contribute ten dollars to the Hotel Continental Employee's Fund or to any similar fund designated by the tote! management. Treasurer Floyd A. Rowe distributed copies of the financial statement end gave the treasurer's report. The revort was approved and ordered filed. On motion of Sumner Dole and seconded by J. W. St. Clair, the following resolution was unanimously voted; WHEREAS the position of Treasurer of the National Baskotball Committee of the United States and Canada was filled by: the election of H. Jamison Swarts, Philadelphia, Ponnsylvania, therefore be it RESOLVED thet H. Jamison Swarts is hereby authorized to issue checks against the account of the National Basketball Committee of the United States and Canada, here- tofore standing in the name of Floyd 4, Rowe, Treasurer.